What is Medicare’s Secondary Payer Program?

Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to have Medicare and an additional type of health coverage to help you pay for health care costs. Medicare’s Secondary Payer Program lays out how they work together. It’s not uncommon to have an insurance plan for everything, just in case. You can have a Medicare plan, a drug plan, and a dental, vision, and hearing plan. You also may have life insurance, long-term care, and more. It’s possible to have one that plan encompasses mutliple types of coverage, like a Medicare Advantage plan that covers prescription drugs, and dental, vision, and hearing services. Sometimes, it’s possible to have multiple policies for a single… Read More

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Medicare Part D Notification Requirements

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What Are Medicare Guaranteed Issue Rights?

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Medicare Supplement Plan F or G?

  Many of our clients ask what is the “best” Medicare supplement that they can buy. While there is no overall “best”, the Medicare Supplement Plan F is generally considered the most comprehensive coverage among Medicare supplements due to the fact that most services are covered without any member co-pay or cost sharing at all. Keep in mind that Medicare supplements, like Plan F do not cover prescriptions and that a beneficiary with Medicare supplement will need to have other coverage for prescription drug coverage.  A little known fact about Medicare supplements is that they do not have an annual “open enrollment” period so a beneficiary with a supplement can… Read More

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2021 Second Quarter Compliance Bulletins Compilation

This document is a valuable resource, putting all of the latest health care reform news and updates in one location! 

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CMS Announces Medicare Plan Finder Improvements

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What Is Medicare Supplement Insurance?

Medicare coverage can be complex. Some of the rules of Medicare coverage can change without the beneficiary even knowing. Who even knows when their employer crosses an enrollment threshold? Best advice is to always speak to a health insurance specialist who is certified and experienced in the many facets of health insurance including the intersections between Medicare and Employer coverage. Contacting Total Benefit Solutions, Inc is the first step!

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5 reasons you may want to switch Medigap policies

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Indy Medicare Part D Health Plan Terminated

Indy Health Insurance Company, a stand-alone Part D plan in Arkansas, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois, and Georgia has been terminated.

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Does Medicare Cover Oral Surgery?

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Can Employers Pay Medicare Premiums for Active Employees?

Companies with fewer than 20 employees that offer group health coverage that pays secondary to Medicare (those not subject to the MSP rules) may be able to pay for the Medicare Part B, Part D, and Medicare Supplement Insurance premiums for their active employees. This is known as a Medicare Premium Reimbursement Arrangement. However, this is not an option for companies with 20 or more workers that are subject to the Medicare Secondary Payer provisions. All companies, regardless of size, can pay the health insurance or Medicare premiums for their retired employees, but no company can payfor individual health insurance coverage for their active employees . Our best practice: A… Read More

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Important News From Independence Blue Cross: Trinity Health termination

February 11th 2019: For the past several months, we have been negotiating the terms of our agreements with Trinity Health (Trinity), which includes the following entities, as well as their professional providers, subsidiaries, affiliates, and divisions: Mercy Health System of Southeastern Pennsylvania, including Mercy Fitzgerald, Mercy Philadelphia, and Nazareth hospitals St. Mary Medical Center, including St. Mary Rehabilitation Hospital, Saint Francis Healthcare, including Saint Francis Hospital, Wilmington, Delaware. We continue to engage in good‑faith negotiations, but we want to explain how customers and members could be affected if we are unable to reach a new agreement by March 31, 2019. How members would be affected If we are unable to reach a new agreement, Trinity will no longer be… Read More

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What is Medicare?

It’s important to know your benefits and how they work together. Here is an easy to understand article so you fully understand Medicare’s Parts  in order to customize coverage that works for you! Here at Total Benefit Solutions, Inc we have highly trained and certified Medicare Enrollment Specialists to help you each step along the way. If your Medicare options confuse you, or you just want the piece of mind of having an impartial review your needs prior to selecting a plan, feel free to reach out to us at 215-355-2121! Medicare Part A helps cover hospital costs. This part is free for most and is provided by the federal… Read More

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Common Questions: Rules For Your HSA After Becoming Medicare Eligible

Medicare and Your HSA In 2017, over 22 million Americans have a Health Savings Account. Each year that number goes higher and higher as High Deductible Plans become more popular with Individuals and Employers. Once you turn 65 and enroll in Medicare, you can no longer open an HSA or deposit money into it, but what if you already had one with a balance? You don’t have to worry about a “Use It Or Lose It” clause. That money can still be used towards out-of-pocket costs! Here are some very common questions about how you can continue to benefit from your HSA and why keeping funds in it for your… Read More

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President Trump Signs Prescription Drug Gag Clause Legislation

President Trump Signs Prescription Drug Gag Clause Legislation On Wednesday, President Trump signed into law S. 2553, the Know the Lowest Price Act, and S. 2554, the Patient Right to Know Drug Price Act. The legislation was passed by the House and Senate last month with bipartisan support and will ban “gag clauses” that prevent pharmacists from telling customers when they can save money on their prescriptions by paying out of pocket for the retail price of the drug, rather than using their insurance and making the co-payment. These bills comprise portions of President Trump’s “America First” prescription drug initiative that were released as part of a blueprint to lower drug prices in May.… Read More

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Medicare Part D Notification Requirements

Employers sponsoring a group health plan with prescription drug benefits are required to notify their Medicare-eligible participants and beneficiaries as to whether the drug coverage provided under the plan is “creditable” or “non-creditable” prior to October 15th, 2018. Please follow this link for more information:   Medicare Part D Notification Requirements       As always, if you have any questions or concerns about this notification or your specific policy, please contact us at 215-355-2121

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The History of Medicare

  A brief history of Medicare in America Landmark social program now covers 58.5 million Americans By Steve Anderson Discussion about a national health insurance system for Americans goes all the way back to the days of President Teddy Roosevelt, whose platform included health insurance when he ran for president in 1912. But the idea for a national health plan didn’t gain steam until it was pushed by U.S. President Harry S Truman.On November 19, 1945, seven months into his presidency, Truman sent a message to Congress, calling for the creation of a national health insurance fund, open to all Americans. The plan Truman envisioned would provide health coverage to individuals, paying for such typical expenses… Read More

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Prevent Osteoporosis with Screenings

10 Facts About Osteoporosis By Kathleen Hall This silent disease significantly raises your risk for fractures and disability. 1. Losing bone density is a normal part of aging. We reach peak bone mass between ages 25 and 30, and then slowly lose begin to start losing bone mass at age 40. For women, reduced levels of estrogen after menopause accelerate bone density loss. “Women lose 1.5 to 2 percent of their bone density per year in the first 10 years after menopause,” says Laura Ryan, MD, clinical associate professor of medicine in the division of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. 2. You don’t lose… Read More

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The Four Stages of Medicare Part D (2018)

The Four Stages of Medicare Part D Coverage                          

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Your New Medicare Card is on the way! Watch out for scams!

Watch out for scams Your new Medicare card is on the way, so if someone calls and says you need to give them your personal information or money to get the new card, hang up! It’s a scam. Medicare will never call uninvited and ask for personal information or money for you to get your new Medicare Number and card. Learn what to do if you get a suspicious call like this. If you haven’t gotten your new Medicare card yet, don’t worry. Mailing cards to each group of states takes at least a month, so you might get your card at a different time than friends or neighbors in your area.… Read More

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Medicare Part D Donut Hole Closing Sooner!

Did you know? The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 moved up the date for closing the so-called donut hole for brand name drugs to 2019. It was previously 2020. For 2019 and every year after, the beneficiary cost sharing for brand name drugs after the initial coverage limit is 25% — the same as after the deductible and before the initial coverage limit. In 2020, the beneficiary cost sharing for generic drugs will also be 25%. Ask your Total Benefit Solutions Account Manager for more information at (215)355-2121. Total Benefit Solutions Inc. is your Medicare health insurance specialist! We work for your benefit!

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CMS Expands the Extension of Needed Relief for Marketplace Enrollees Who Missed Medicare Enrollment

CMS is offering assistance to certain individuals enrolled in both Medicare Part A (and/or Part C) and the Exchange for individuals and families to drop their Exchange coverage and enroll in Part B without penalty. Further, CMS is offering assistance to certain individuals who dropped or lost their coverage from the Exchange and are paying a Part B late enrollment penalty from their subsequent enrollment into Part B. These eligible individuals can have their penalty reduced. Individuals can apply for the special enrollment and reduction in late enrollment penalties during a limited time – it is available now and ends September 30, 2018 Read Blog Post from MedicareRights.org CMS SHIP… Read More

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Four Stages of Medicare Part D

  It’s easy to see why Many people are confused by the Medicare part D plan coverage deductibles, limits and the donut hole. We have provided this graphic for you, our clients and friends to make it a little easier to see in a pie chart. Click the link below to download this graphic bulletin. 2018 Four Stages Of Medicare Part D   Want to compare part D plans in your area quickly? Click here   Have more questions? Call us today at (215)355-2121.

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Your Medicare Card Is Changing!

  The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015 requires that Social Security Number-based Health Insurance Claim Numbers (HICN) be removed from Medicare cards by April 2019; this is in an effort to lessen the current risk of beneficiary medical identity theft. A unique Medicare number, called the Medicare Beneficiary Identifier or MBI, will replace the current HICN. Beginning in April 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will begin the process of mailing new Medicare cards and will meet the statutory deadline for replacing all cards by April 2019. Educational Resources:  CMS Transition to New Medicare Numbers and Cards – Fact Sheet CMS Website –… Read More

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Medicare Part D CMS Notification Reminder

  Employers sponsoring a group health plan need to report information on the creditable status of the plan’s prescription drug coverage to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). In order to provide this information, employers must access CMS’s online reporting system at: https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Prescription-Drug-coverage/CreditableCoverage/CCDisclosureForm.html   Click here to download the complete bulletin As always please contact you Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. account manager at (215)355-2121 if you have any additional questions or concerns.          

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