Premium Only Plan Document (POP) Section 125

What is a Section 125 Premium Only Plan?The Revenue Act of 1978 introduce IRS Section 125, which allows employers to reduce payroll taxes by adjusting the payroll process. Also, Section 125 Premium Only Plan employees can choose from pre-tax or tax-free basis pay for their portion of premium insurance rather than after-tax basis, which creates saving for both the employer and employee. How Employees Benefit from a Premium Only Plan.Section 125 premium deductions can save employees 20 or 40% of their pre-tax. The tax savings are on city, state, and federal income taxes, including Social Security and Medicare taxes on money used to pay for their portion of insurance premiums… Read More

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Individual Coverage HRA: Choice and affordability

QSE-HRA or Qualified Small Employer HRA Companies with fewer than 50 employees are qualified for $199 small employer HRA plan document a group health insurance alternative. What is QSE-HRA? To establish a QSE-HRA for qualified groups with less than 50 employees offering no group health plan the plan documents are available for $199 in Basic PDF email version. Qualified Small Employers can offer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) if they do not offer a group health plan, HRA uses tax-free dollars to reimburse employees who individual health plans. Employers cannot offer another group health plan to qualify QSE-HRA, which includes any other HRA, Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), Limited Health… Read More

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In 2025, would you like more?

HSA funds are carried over each year.  Why not increase your savings? Additionally, if you contribute to your HAS before the year ends, you can lower your income that is subject to taxes. For self-only coverage, the maximum contribution in 2024 is $4,150, and for family coverage, it is $8,300. Moreover, if you are at least 55, you will receive an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution. Employer contributions, direct transfers, and payroll deductions are all included in the annual cap. We’re sure you are as excited about this as we are!  Please reach out if you have any questions. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service, so please do not hesitate… Read More

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A Voluntary Benefits Strategy

The Issue One of our clients approached us during a pre-renewal meeting to ask how they can further control costs without drastically impacting the well-being of their employees…click here to continue

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Case Study Library

We present a few case studies to illustrate how we have helped our clients solve their complicated employee benefit challenges. Click here to learn more!

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Health Insurance Broker Change Leads to Better Results

Watch Video The Issue A mid-sized group prospect was unhappy with their current broker and looking for a change. They thought more could be done to help control their employee benefit budget and were looking for guidance. They came to us with a 17% health insurance renewal. Our Solution Our team met with the business owner and Human Resource Director to review the following: The corporate goals and philosophy regarding employee benefits The benefit structure and costs of their present programs Options for cost containment strategies How to integrate wellness into their benefits portfolio Methods for better communication of the benefit programs to employees The Result The customer was pleased… Read More

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Is my group subject to ERISA or ERISA Exempt?

Many clients often ask the question ” Do I need to comply with ERISA? ” The answer is almost always yes! Just because you are a smaller business does not exempt you from ERISA. This from the US Department of Labor: ERISA applies to private-sector companies that offer pension plans to employees. This includes businesses that: Are structured as partnerships, proprietorships, LLCs, S-corporations and C-corporations. No matter how your employer has structured his or her business, it is covered by ERISA if it is a private entity. Who is not subject to ERISA?In general, ERISA does not cover group health plans established or maintained by governmental entities, churches for their employees, or… Read More

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2022 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (“PCORTF”) Fees

  2022 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (“PCORTF”) Fees May 23, 2022     This Allied Update serves as a reminder that the annual Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (“PCORTF”) fees are due by July 31, 2022. By way of background, at the end of 2019, the Federal Government reauthorized the annual payment of fees by health insurers and group health plans into the PCORTF until 2029. (Such payments were previously set to expire for plan years ending on or after October 1, 2018 and before October 1, 2019, and beyond.) The fee is due by July 31 of the calendar year immediately following the last day of the plan year in which… Read More

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2021 MLR Rebate Checks Recently Issued to Fully Insured Plans

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2021 Second Quarter Compliance Bulletins Compilation

This document is a valuable resource, putting all of the latest health care reform news and updates in one location! 

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health insurance meeting

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Benefits Broker

Analyzing these ten critical questions in relation to your organization’s needs will help you make a more informed decision about your benefits broker

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What is Balance Billing?

When a provider bills you for the difference between the provider’s charge and the allowed amount. For example, if the provider’s charge is $100 and the allowed amount is $70, the provider may bill you for the remaining $30. A preferred provider may not balance bill you for covered services. Ask your health insurance experts at Total Benefit Solutions today how to avoid balance billing charges!

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What Is a Health Savings Account?

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Update on COVID-19 Vaccine and Vaccine Administration Cost

Update on COVID-19 Vaccine and Vaccine Administration Cost

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Heard of Reference Based Pricing Health Insurance?

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How Does Level Self Funded Health Insurance Work?

We have received a lot of questions regarding the new level funding health benefit programs so we prepared this video to make it a little easier to understand. Ask us today if Level Funding your group’s health insurance might be a good for for your health plan! Contact your Total Benefit Solutions Account manager at (215)355-2121.

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Impact of Key Provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 COVID-19 Relief on Marketplace Premiums

there are millions of uninsured people who could be getting subsidized coverage on the ACA Marketplaces, but have not taken advantage of this financial help. In many cases, it may be that the financial help available to them is not sufficient to make the premium or the deductible affordable

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ARPA Extends Open Enrollment for Individual Coverage in PA

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What is Minimum Essential Coverage or MEC health insurance?

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Departments Issue Guidance Re: FFCRA and CARES Act

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Pandemic Aid Package Includes Relief From High Premiums

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New Jersey Small Employer Stop Loss Bill

A bill has been introduced in New Jersey in both the Senate and Assembly that, if passed, would prohibit insurance carriers or other insurers subject to the insurance laws of New Jersey or any other state from offering, issuing or renewing any stop loss insurance policy of any kind to small employers. Stop loss insurance provides reimbursement for catastrophic, excess or unexpected expenses and is used by small employers to self-insure part of the health insurance coverage they provide for employees. Under New Jersey law, in connection with a group health plan, a small employer means an employer with 2-50 eligible employees on business days during the preceding calendar year. If passed,… Read More

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“I’m paying for Health Insurance I don’t even use!”

You hear it all the time: “I’m paying for Health Insurance I don’t even use!” But, Health insurance isn’t only for when you’re sick!  You can use it to maintain your healthy status, you can use it for Preventative Care and you can also use this time to learn how your coverage works before you get sick. Also, many Health Insurance Plans offer things such as discounted gym memberships and rewards for healthy lifestyle choices (such as quitting smoking). Some plans even offer vision or dental benefits, so you can take advantage of an eye screening or 6 month dental check-up. Take advantage of free insurance benefits anytime Get preventive services,… Read More

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