Federal Poverty Guidelines Announced for 2025

The 2025 federal poverty guidelines were recently released by the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), they provide the federal poverty level (FPL) affordability safe harbor for the purposes of the employer mandate under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The 2025 FPL safe harbor is $117.63/month in the lower 48 states and DC, $146.95/month in Alaska, and $135.22/month in Hawaii for plan years starting on February 1, 2025, or later. To qualify for the FPL affordability safe harbor, a plan may employ poverty rules that are in force six months prior to the start of the plan year. The lower 48 states and DC utilize $113.20/month for plans with… Read More

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New Medicare Part-D Changes Affecting Employers for 2024-25

Dear Valued Client:  We wanted to alert you to an upcoming change that could have a significant impact on Medicare-eligible employees and dependents who currently have group health coverage. Starting in 2025, Medicare Part D plans will have a $2,000 out-of-pocket limit. As CMS explains, this change, which is part of the Inflation Reduction Act, also includes measures like a $35 cap on insulin and new authority for Medicare to negotiate prices for certain high-cost drugs.  The new $2,000 cap for Part D is particularly important because it could alter the status of many employer group health plans that currently provide drug coverage. Each year, employers must determine whether their prescription drug… Read More

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2025 Part D Changes and Employer Sponsored Group Health Plans

Employers must inform the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) and participants and beneficiaries who qualify for Medicare Part D of the creditable or non-creditable status of the group health plan prescription drug plan(s). When prescription medication coverage meets or exceeds Medicare Part D, it is considered creditable. Any coverage that falls short of Medicare Part D’s quality standards is deemed non-creditable As previously reported, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (“IRA”) changed aspects of the Medicare Part D program to enhance and improve Medicare Part D coverage. The changes include: As a result of these changes, some employer sponsored prescription drug coverage may no longer qualify as creditable… Read More

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You can access your PCORI membership report on uhceservices.com

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), health insurers, and plan sponsors are responsible for paying the PCORI fee. The  Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee also helps fund research that evaluates and compares health outcomes, clinical effectiveness, and the risks and benefits of medical treatments and services. Sponsors of self-funded (ASO) plans are required to submit Form 720 and pay the PCORI fee to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) immediately. The payment must be made by July 31 of the year that follows the conclusion of the plan year. A PCORI Membership Report is given to UnitedHealthcare Level Funded groups whose plan year ends in 2023 to help with PCORI fee… Read More

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Update on Legislation – EmblemHealth

President Joe Biden presented his budget proposal on March 11th, 2024, for the federal fiscal year that would start on October 1st. Along with raising taxes on people earning more than $400,000 annually, the budget would also help extend talks with pharmaceutical corporations to prolong the Medicare program’s financial viability. click HERE to read the whole article. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service, so please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated Total Benefit Solutions health insurance specialists at (215)-355-2121 or fill out the contact form below. We are available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.

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2023 Premium Contribution Reporting Requirements

Federal regulation mandates that insurance providers and employer-based health plans to fully insured and self-funded—submit yearly reports to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) with respect to prescription medication and medical spending. Employer premium contribution data for the 2023 calendar year (January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023) must now be supplied in accordance with the regulation. We require your assistance or the assistance of your clients, in order for Independent Health to meet these reporting requirements. Action required for fully insured plans The division of plan premiums paid by the employer group versus the subscriber must be disclosed by Independent Health. As a result, for the calendar… Read More

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FTC to send nearly $100 million in refunds to consumers of Benefytt’s fraudulent health plans

Refunds are being sent by the Federal Trade Commission to customers it claims purchased fraudulent health plans that Benefytt Technologies misrepresented as Obamacare plans or  Affordable Care Act. Benefytt, which operated under several identities, including Health Insurance Innovations, used deceptive websites and aggressive marketing to trick people looking for health insurance into purchasing fake policies that came with expensive monthly premiums, according to the FTC’s August 2022 complaint. “Benefytt pocketed millions selling sham insurance to seniors and other consumers looking for health coverage,” Samuel Levine, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, said in a statement at the time the original complaint was filed.  Qualified for the refund: Click HERE to… Read More

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IRS News Release: Nutrition, Wellness, and General Health Expenses

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is informing taxpayers that costs associated with wellness, diet, and overall health are unlikely to be covered by Internal Revenue Code section 213 reimbursement for medical expenses. The IRS published a press statement and a list of commonly asked questions the IRS: The IRS is worried that individuals might not be aware of the situations in which spending related to diet or wellness can qualify as medical costs. The IRS reminded people in a news release on March 6, 2024, that personal expenses cannot be reimbursed through FSAs, HSAs, or HRAs in a way that is tax-favored. Employers should be wary of vendors who advertise… Read More

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Insights into Self-Funding and Deductibles: A Look at Healthcare Trends for Large Firms

Self-Funding Popular – Especially for Large Firms Many larger firms self-fund their health plans or pay for some workers’ health services directly – rather than through the use of health insurance. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of covered workers are in self-funded plans. That includes 20% of workers at small firms and 82% at large firms. Deductibles for Most Most employees with health insurance have a cost share before their insurance begins to pay benefits. Among those with single coverage, the average annual deductible is $1,763, similar to the $1,669 average in 2021. For most plan types, the single coverage deductible is higher for employees at small firms. The average is $2,543… Read More

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Increases in Premium Found in Health Benefits Survey

The latest survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) concerning employer-sponsored health benefits found modest increases in employers’ and employees’ costs in 2022. In its 24th Employer Health Benefits Survey (EHBS), KFF found the average annual premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance in 2022 were $7,911 for single coverage and $22,463 for family coverage. These amounts were up from $7,739 and $22,221 in the previous year, respectively – an increase of $172.00 for single coverage and $242.00 for family coverage. The average family coverage premium is up 20% over the past five years and up 43% during the past 10 years. Small vs. Large Employers In 2022, workers insured through their employers at both… Read More

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Fixed Funding: Innovative plan solutions now available for New Jersey employers

AmeriHealth New Jersey is excited and proud to announce that it is offering Fixed Funding benefit design options to New Jersey employers, powered by AmeriHealth Administrators. These plans are available now to quote for July 1, 2022 effective dates. Fixed Funding offers innovative benefit designs that are flexible, predictable, and cash‑flow friendly — while providing members access to high‑quality care from an extensive network of doctors and hospitals. These benefit designs allow the benefits and flexibility of a self‑funded health plan with a predictable monthly payment. How a Fixed Funding health plan works: Employers have a consistent monthly payment that covers the cost of administrative fees, stop‑loss insurance premiums1, and an estimated cost… Read More

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2022 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (“PCORTF”) Fees

  2022 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (“PCORTF”) Fees May 23, 2022     This Allied Update serves as a reminder that the annual Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (“PCORTF”) fees are due by July 31, 2022. By way of background, at the end of 2019, the Federal Government reauthorized the annual payment of fees by health insurers and group health plans into the PCORTF until 2029. (Such payments were previously set to expire for plan years ending on or after October 1, 2018 and before October 1, 2019, and beyond.) The fee is due by July 31 of the calendar year immediately following the last day of the plan year in which… Read More

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Fully Insured vs Level Funding: What’s the Difference?

With fully insured plans, premiums are paid directly to the insurer. Claims accountA claims account is exactly what it sounds like. A portion of the monthly payment is used to pay for claims submitted by plan members. Stop-loss InsuranceStop-loss is an employer’s safety net. This protects the employer against higher-than-expected claims. With level-funding, employers will never have to pay more than the amount they are responsible for funding the claims account each year. After that, stop-loss insurance kicks in. Administrative costsAdministrative services are provided to the employer so they can spend their time focusing on their business while a third-party administrator handles plan management such as paying claims, customer service,… Read More

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2021 MLR Rebate Checks Recently Issued to Fully Insured Plans

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2021 Second Quarter Compliance Bulletins Compilation

This document is a valuable resource, putting all of the latest health care reform news and updates in one location! 

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Tax Advantaged Benefit Documents

This site is dedicated to providing employers with the tools they need to successfully establish these written plans with SPDs at the lowest cost possible.

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Alternatives to Health Insurance Benefits

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Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Benefits Broker

Analyzing these ten critical questions in relation to your organization’s needs will help you make a more informed decision about your benefits broker

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What Is a Health Savings Account?

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Aetna Small Group (2-100) Insured & Small Group Aetna Funding Advantage FAQ
Health Plan options for business owners during COVID-19 pandemic

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Update on COVID-19 Vaccine and Vaccine Administration Cost

Update on COVID-19 Vaccine and Vaccine Administration Cost

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Heard of Reference Based Pricing Health Insurance?

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How Does Level Self Funded Health Insurance Work?

We have received a lot of questions regarding the new level funding health benefit programs so we prepared this video to make it a little easier to understand. Ask us today if Level Funding your group’s health insurance might be a good for for your health plan! Contact your Total Benefit Solutions Account manager at (215)355-2121.

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ARPA Extends Open Enrollment for Individual Coverage in PA

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