Ready for another year of helping clients who get their health insurance through Pennie! Open enrollment starts November 1st 2024 and ends January 15th 2025! (215)355-2121
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Ready for another year of helping clients who get their health insurance through Pennie! Open enrollment starts November 1st 2024 and ends January 15th 2025! (215)355-2121
We are pleased to announce that Independence Blue Cross has chosen Teladoc Health (Teladoc) as our vendor of choice for telemedicine, telebehavioral health, and teledermatology virtual care services! Teladoc will replace MDLIVE as the provider of these services effective January 1, 2024. Teladoc advantages Teladoc will triple the size of the virtual care provider network, which will help members receive the specific care that meets their needs. Offering services through Teladoc will allow us to expand our existing relationships with Livongo condition management programs, and offer the myStrength behavioral health tool, both of which are owned by Teladoc. MyStrength will replace On To Better Health in our portfolio of products.… Read More
Short-term health insurance is a type of health insurance that provides coverage for a limited period of time, typically anywhere from 30 days to 12 months. These plans are designed to provide temporary coverage for individuals who are in between jobs, waiting for employer-sponsored coverage to begin, or who are not eligible for other types of health insurance. Affordable Premiums Short-term health insurance plans typically have lower premiums than traditional health insurance plans. This is because short-term plans are designed to provide coverage for a limited period of time and do not have to meet the same requirements as other types of health insurance. This makes them a more affordable… Read More
Nearly 40% of people have a health care plan with a high deductible. An even higher percentage of people wish they had a lower deductible (who wouldn’t?!). And with medical bills being the leading cause of bankruptcies, it is important to understand how to maximize your high deductible so that you can stay afloat in case something unexpected were to happen. 1. Find Out What’s Free Many routine services are free. Instead of staying home to save money, you could get a free screening for preventative care. Common services covered are colonoscopies, mammograms, and vaccinations. About 90% of people with high deductible plans don’t know that such services are free.… Read More
That’s right! ? Cigna + Oscar plans in Pennsylvania utilize Cigna‘s Open Access Plus Network. Offering you a simple, non-tiered network. This includes facilities you know and use, such as: View the full Pennsylvania network here. Please contact your health insurance specialists at Total Benefit Solutions, Inc iat (215)355-2121 f you have any further questions or concerns about Oscar heath!
We want you to get the most of your plan. Setting up your Oscar account will help you do that by putting care right at your fingertips .
How HRAs work Health Reimbursement Arrangements are employer-funded accounts that reimburse employees for eligible medical expenses. No employee contributions are allowed. Since an HRA is funded only by the employer, the employer sets the rules of the plan. The ICHRA works much the same as other HRAs, with the following important differences: ICHRA rules Traditional group health plans An employer may not offer an ICHRA and a traditional group health plan (GHP) to employees within the same class. However, an employer may offer an ICHRA to one class of employees and a traditional GHP to another class. Also, a traditional GHP may be grandfathered for current employees while all new… Read More
On January 30, 2023, the Biden Administration announced its intent to end the Public Health Emergency and the National Emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic on May 11, 2023. They are currently set to expire after February 28, 2023 and on April 11, 2023, respectively. This announcement came in response to two bills in the House of Representatives proposing to end the national emergencies at an earlier date. As previously reported, various employee benefit plan requirements are directly impacted by the Public Health Emergency and the National Emergency. Employers sponsoring health and welfare programs will need to make some decisions with respect to their programs. End of the Public Health… Read More
Download our SEP Cheat Sheet. Know your health insurance SEP to get enrolled outside of the annual open enrollment period. As always contact your Total Benefit Solutions health insurance experts for more specific information about your situation at (215)355-2121
The 1095-A tax form has been delivered to Pennie customers for their 2022 tax returns. The 2022 1095-A Form: Health Insurance Marketplace Statement has been delivered to customers’ Pennie Secure inboxes. Important: The 1095-A reflects a Pennie customer’s 2022 enrollment information. Click here to learn more about 1095-A forms. Have any questions regarding your Pennie account or the 1095-A tax form? Don’t hesitate to contact your Total Benefit Solutions health insurance specialists today at (215)355-2121.
Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program The Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program is a program developed to help Pennsylvania families, who have at least one person enrolled in Medical Assistance (MA), pay for private health insurance through an employer. HIPP is administered by Pennsylvania’s Department of Human Services (DHS). It was designed as a cost containment program in order to save taxpayers money by purchasing cost effective employment related health insurance available to a Medical Assistance recipient. Read more by clicking here As always if you have any additional questions please contact your group health insurance specialist at Total Benefit Solutions , Inc (215)355-2121.
Download the free IBX app for your iPhone or Android to help you make the most of your Independence Blue Cross health plan. With new and improved features, the IBX app gives you easy access to your health care coverage 24/7, wherever you are. As always contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc health insurance professionals if you have any questions about this bulletin. Click here to read more.
As always, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions health insurance specialists today at (215)355-2121.
Already on the health insurance Marketplace and need some help? Assigning Total Benefit Solutions, Inc is easy! Download the document and follow the steps. We will get notified and start helping you right away! Need more direction? Give us a call (215)355-2121
Coinsurance is usually a percentage of the cost for a service that you would pay. For example, if your coinsurance is 20% for covered services, your plan would pay 80% of the covered charges, and you would pay the coinsurance of 20%. Call your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc health insurance specialists today at (215)355-2121.
Guaranteed issue A requirement that health plans must permit you to enroll regardless of health status, age, gender, or other factors that might predict the use of health services. Except in some states, guaranteed issue doesn’t limit how much you can be charged if you enroll. Not all health insurance plans are guaranteed issue. Have any questions about your health insurance? Contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc health insurance specialists at (215)355-2121
Under the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) declaration, Pennsylvania has maintained coverage for most Medical Assistance (MA) recipients unless they moved out-of-state, passed away, or requested to be disenrolled. When the federal PHE comes to an end, anyone who is found to be no longer eligible during the renewal process for Medical Assistance or who fails to complete their MA renewal will be disenrolled from Medical Assistance coverage – that is where Pennie comes in! Pennie and the Department of Human Services (DHS) are working to ensure that qualified Pennsylvanians can access coverage either through Medical Assistance (MA), the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or affordable, high-quality coverage available… Read More
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) fee filing deadline is August 1, 2022, for all self-funded medical plansand HRAs for plan years ending in 2021. The IRS issued Notice 2022-04 announcing the adjusted fee amount for this year. please download the bulleting below for more details and contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. health insurance specialist at (215)355-2121.
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many young people choose to stay on their parent’s health insurance for as long as possible, and with good reason. The historic healthcare law, also known as Obamacare, allows young adults to stay on their parent’s health plan until they turn 26, no matter what. Download our free easy to read guide to getting your own health insurance here. Contact your health insurance experts at Total Benefit Solutions Inc with any additional questions (215)355-2121
COBRA can be confusing for small and larger employees alike. Our quick guide to COBRA is here to make it easier. it’s simple and free to download! COBRA is not only an employer mandate but can also effect people on the health insurance marketplace! Take a look and then ask your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc health insurance specialists how COBRA effects you or your group.
Reimagining Workforce Strategies Thursday, June 23 at 2 PM ET Our next Aetna Client Series webinar is on Thursday, June 23 at 2 PM ET featuring: Tanya Taupier, SVP and Senior HRBP – HCB, Aetna and Jannine Zucker, Principal, Deloitte Consulting. This webinar is specifically designed for Aetna clients to hear about relevant thought leadership content. The topic of this webinar will be: Reimagining workforce strategies. Please share this invitation with your clients and join them to learn more about workforce strategies for success. Many organizations are struggling with an urgent talent crisis: The Great Resignation. As businesses search for ways to attract – and retain – talent. They have an opportunity to refocus their thinking on how and… Read More
Depending on a customer’s household income, they may qualify to enroll in coverage through a new Special Enrollment Period and receive financial assistance offered through Pennie! If a customer’s income is equal to or below 150% Federal Poverty Level (see table below), they can enroll in coverage through Pennie at any time of the year. New enrollees will need to take these steps to enroll in coverage under this qualifying life event: Submit a new Pennie application If they meet the criteria in the table below, a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) will automatically open! Once the SEP opens, they will have 60-days to enroll in a plan through Pennie. Once enrolled, coverage will begin the start of… Read More
Changes to the Value and Select formularies for April 1 Independence Blue Cross is making changes to the Value and Select Drug Program® (Select) formularies effective April 1, 2022. Updates are made to the Value and Select formularies quarterly.The updated lists for April 1 are available now on our website. Select the appropriate link to view the Value or Select formulary. The updated list can be found under “Formulary drug documents.” Changes that result in positive member experiences happen quarterly in January, April, July, and October. Examples of these changes include new drugs and generics being added to the formularies, tier changes that can result in lowering member cost‑share, and utilization management removal.Negative formulary changes… Read More