Philadelphia Mandatory Sick Pay Leave Updates & Poster

    Source: HR360 Effective May 13, 2015, most employers will be required to provide up to 40 hours of paid or unpaid sick time per calendar year to eligible employees (generally individuals who perform work within Philadelphia for at least 40 hours in a year), as follows: Employers with 10 or more employees must provide paid sick time. Note: All persons performing work for compensation on a full-time, part-time, or temporary basis must be counted. Chain establishments (an establishment doing business under the same trade name used by 15 or more establishments—whether such other establishments are located in Philadelphia or elsewhere—and regardless of the type of ownership of each… Read More

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FAQs Further Clarify New Embedded Out-of-Pocket Requirement

As reported earlier, starting with the 2016 plan year, the self-only annual limitation on cost sharing for non-grandfathered plans ($6,850 for 2016) applies to each individual, even if the individual is enrolled in family coverage. On May 26, 2015, the Departments of Labor (DOL), Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Treasury (collectively, the Departments) issued new FAQs further clarifying this new rule, confirming that it applies to all non-grandfathered group health plans, including self-insured plans, large group health plans, and high deductible health plans. Click the link below to download the bulletin for further guidance. FAQs Further Clarify New Embedded Out-of-Pocket Requirement – 060115R  

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Group Health Plan Notices 2015 CALENDAR

Group Health Plan Notices 2015 CALENDAR From our partners at HR360: This calendar/checklist is designed to help companies review the key reporting and notice requirements that may apply to their employer-sponsored group health plans under ERISA , the Affordable cxare Act, Medicare and more. Please note that this list is for general reference purposes only and is not all-inclusive. Note: ERISA and benefit requirements are complex, and your plan’s responsibilities may vary depending on the individual circumstances surrounding your company’s plan. Employers who have questions are encouraged to consult with their plan administrators, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, or a knowledgeable employment law attorney… Read More

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Health Advocate: Medical Health Advisor

Total Benefit Solutions, Inc now offers the Medical Health Advisor benefit! Watch this short video and ask us how your organization can benefit from offering this personal health advocate service to your employees!  

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2014 Compliance Bulletin Compilation

Download our 2014 Compliance Bulletin Compilation, featuring all of our released compliance bulletins for the entire year!  Topics include, Health Savings Accounts, The Individual Mandate, Employer “pay or play” mandate, exemptions, FSA carryovers and much, much more. All of the bulletins are in an easy to search format for your convenience. 2014 Compliance Compilation – Download As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions account manager at (215)355-02121 if you have any further questions or concerns.

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HR 360: How to Calculate Pay or Play Penalties

HR 360: How to Calculate Pay or Play Penalties: Make sure you are ready for 2015 with our basic step-by-step guidance on calculating pay or play penalties. This attorney-reviewed guide, provided by our partner HR360,  makes it easy to understand how to calculate ACA penalties. HR360 is provided as a service to Total Benefit Solutions clients. If you have any additional questions regarding this bulletin, or the Affordable Care Act, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions account manager at (215)355-2121 Download How to Calculate Pay or Play Penalties    

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IBC: Effective January 1, 2015, HIPAA Certificates of Creditable Coverage are no longer required

On February 24, 2014, the United States Departments of Health and Human Services issued a final rule that addressed the requirement to provide HIPAA Certificates of Creditable Coverage (HIPAA Certificates) under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As the ACA prohibits pre-existing condition exclusions, the new rule eliminates the requirement to provide HIPAA Certificates beginning December 31, 2014. What does this mean for members?  Previously, when coverage was terminated for a member or his/her dependents, Independence Blue Cross (Independence) issued a HIPAA Certificate. Because the ACA prohibits the application of pre-existing condition exclusions, which applies to both grandfathered and non-grandfathered health plans, these certificates are no longer required. Effective January, 1,… Read More

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Additional requirements for 90-day waiting period

Additional requirements for 90-day waiting period   Group health plans and health insurance issuers cannot impose waiting periods greater than 90 days. This 90-day waiting period is effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014. It does not apply to HIPAA Excepted Benefits or retiree-only plans.   These regulations allow for a one-month orientation period to determine if the employee is eligible for health coverage. Once the employee is determined eligible, he or she must receive health benefits in no more than 90 days.   The start date of an eligible employee, marks the beginning of the one-month maximum orientation period. The orientation period is determined by… Read More

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Total Benefit Solutions is your Marketplace Navigator

What do you get with Total Benefit Solutions as your Marketplace Navigator? A broker who is Unbiased and objective  Trained Local Certified Licensed Insured Up to date Representing you Part of a team of dedicated professionals Click here for more information and to see our “Marketplace Navigator” brochure: Individual Enrollment Navigator Brochure  

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2015 Health Reform: Prepare for Health Insurance Open Enrollment

Preparing for 2015 Open Enrollment Getting prepared for open enrollment 2015 has been a major challenge. Total Benefit Solutions is dedicated to serving all of our clients throughout this second annual open enrollment period. With that in mind our offices will be open on the weekend of November 15th 2014 to help you get enrolled. Open enrollment for individual plans begins November 15th, 2014 and ends February 15th 2015. Anyone who enrolls prior to the 15th of the month will be effective the 1st of the next month. This is important because you must enroll by December 15th in order for your plan to be effective on January 1st, 2015… Read More

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IRS Coordinates Cafeteria Plan Rules with the ACA:Two New Election Changes Allowed

Two New Election Changes Allowed Existing cafeteria plan rules make it difficult (if not impossible) for participants to revoke pre-tax salary reduction elections mid-year and enroll in qualified health plan coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace (the “Marketplace,” sometimes referred to as the “Exchange”).  To provide additional flexibility, the IRS issued Notice 2014-55, creating new opportunities for a participant to change mid-year an otherwise irrevocable cafeteria plan election. Click here to Download the Entire Bulletin      

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Heath Reform: 5 States Will Have Early Access to Online Functions of the Federally-Facilitated SHOP Marketplace

‘SHOP Early Access’ Available in Delaware, Illinois, New Jersey, Ohio, and Missouri Starting in late October, small employers, agents, and brokers in Delaware, Illinois, New Jersey, Ohio, and Missouri will be able to experience some of the key new online functions of the federally-facilitated Small Business Health Options Program (FF-SHOP), according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The online SHOP Marketplace is expected to be available nationwide on November 15, 2014. SHOP Early Access During the “SHOP Early Access,” small employers in the five selected states will be able to use to take several initial steps in the enrollment process, including: Establishing a Marketplace SHOP account; Assigning an agent or… Read More

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IRS: Further Guidance on Employer Payment Plans

New Guidance on Employer Payment Plans The IRS issued an FAQ addressing the potential consequences of an arrangement where an employer reimburses employees for the purchase of individual health insurance premiums on a tax-favored basis (referred to as an “employer payment plan”). For this purpose, individual health insurance premiums includes individual coverage purchased either inside or outside of the Health Insurance Marketplace. The FAQ follows up on earlier guidance describing these types of arrangements (Notice 2013-54). Click the link for more information: 060214_P_ERC_Employer_Payment_Plans (1)

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Total Benefit Solutions to partner with ThinkHR

        In another effort to enhance our client experience and bring value to our small business clients, Total Benefit Solutions is proud to announce that we have entered into an agreement to provide Think       HR. Soon our clients will get an introductory e-mail with instructions on how to access their complimentary ThinkHR account. We expect to have this resource available to our clients in September 2014, just in time for this year’s open enrollment period!   Think HR will help our clients: Stay up to date with the latest news and resources Remain compliant with best practices from HR professionals Build tools like job… Read More

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Exchange Notification Reminder

Exchange Notification Reminder  The very busy renewal date of December 1, 2014, is fast approaching. This notice is to remind you that each employer group must give their employees a Marketplace (Exchange) notification.       The first link below is for employer groups that currently do offer coverage. The second link below is for an employer that does NOT offer coverage to employees.  Please remember this notification is for the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The form also works for any employer who is based in an FFM (Federal Facilitated Marketplace) State. It is NOT compliant in NY, MD or any other state that provides their own State… Read More

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What is HR360?

What is HR360? HR360 is the premier online human resources library that features the most current federal and state laws for health care reform, COBRA, FMLA, and hiring and terminating employees. Clients of Total Benefit Solutions have HR360 as a complimentary resource. Watch this short video below and ask us today for your free trial membership, or how your organization can benefit from using Total Benefit Solutions Inc., and HR360. Call us for more information at 1(800)924-6718.

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Workplace Posters

The Department of Labor (DOL) and its reporting agencies require employers to communicate certain information to their employees. In some cases, the DOL mandates notices to be posted in the workplace. Posting requirements vary based on the size of employer.   The following information is required to be posted, depending on business and employer size: Job Safety and Health Protection (OSHA) Equal Opportunity Is the Law Fair Labor Standards Act (minimum wage) Employee Right for Workers with Disabilities (special minimum wage) Family and Medical Leave Act Rights Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Federal Construction Project Notice Government Contract Notice Employee Polygraph Protection Act Migrant and Seasonal Worker Act Notification… Read More

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IRS Highlights Stiff Penalty for Reimbursing Individual Premiums

From Health Care Reform Digest: Since the IRS and Treasury published Notice 2013-54 in September 2013, pre-tax employer reimbursement of an employee’s individual health insurance premiums has been a hot topic of conversation.  Historically, many employers have provided this type of benefit in lieu of offering a group health plan – a strategy that now needs to be reevaluated as a result of regulations implementing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).   Q1.  What are the consequences to the employer if the employer does not establish a health insurance plan for its own employees, but reimburses those employees for premiums they pay for health insurance (either through a qualified health… Read More

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Informal Guidance Clarifies Rules HSA Eligibility and Health FSA Carryovers

Near the end of 2013, the IRS issued Notice 2013-47 that permits a cafeteria plan to provide for the use of up to $500 of any unused amount remaining in the health FSA in the immediately following plan year (the “carryover” provision). This provision is optional, requires a plan amendment, and cannot be offered if the cafeteria plan allows a grace period. One of the outstanding questions around the carryover provision is the effect it has on HSA eligibility. Recently, the Office of Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service issued a memorandum that informally addresses the interaction of the carryover on HSA eligibility and provides some solutions that may allow an individual retain… Read More

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HR360: Job Description Builder

HR360: Job Description Builder A well-developed job description will help you review employee performance, and hire the best candidates. Our online Job Description Builder is so simple to use. With our efficient tool, you can transform a blank page into a professionally-developed job description in minutes. Just follow these simple steps: Choose from our comprehensive library of job descriptions Check off tasks and activities as well as skills associated with the job Select from the list of physical demands or the job/ work environment or add your own. Print out a complete job description in Word or in an Excel Spreadsheet—it’s that easy!   HR360 is a web based subscription service… Read More

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2014 Group Health Plan Calendar

    The 2014 Group Health Plans Notices Calendar in now available! All-in-One Health Plan Notices Calendar and Downloadable Model Notices Our 2014 calendar provides bottom line information on group health plan required notices and filings, including who must receive them, who must provide them and when notices are due. At last, the notices you  need are available in one convenient location, including: Health Care Reform Notices (includes new SBC template for 2014 and information on required PCORI filings) COBRA Notices HIPAA Notices (includes information on elimination of creditable coverage certificates and new model Notice of Privacy Practices) Special Health Care Notices (Women’s Health and Cancer Rights, Mental Health Parity… Read More

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