Prescriptions costs are skyrocketing. We all know that. But did you know that there are several ways for people to save money on their monthly medications? As health insurance plans are becoming more catastrophic in nature, that means that people will need to become better health care consumers. Sometimes that means using the tools that the insurance company offers at no charge. Sometimes it means using discounts and other resources that are available outside the health plan. Here are a few ways, some already widely known and others not so much, to help drop down your costs at the Pharmacy. While this is not a comprehensive list of money-saving ideas, it is… Read More
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GOP Pulls AHCA Before Vote
On Friday, March 24, 2017, the U.S. House of Representatives pulled the American Health Care Act (“AHCA”) from consideration after not receiving enough Republican support to pass the bill. The AHCA was President Trump’s first attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (the “ACA”). The AHCA, among other things, would have eradicated the penalties associated with the individual and employer mandates, and replaced the ACA subsidies with refundable tax credits. Download GOP Pulls AHCA Before Vote
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Stand-Alone HRAs for Small Employers are Back!
Stand-Alone HRAs for Small Employers are Back! The 21st Century Cures Act, signed by President Obama on December 13, 2016, gave small employers a means of providing employees help with their individual insurance premiums and other out-of-pocket qualified medical expenses without violating the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Small employers can now provide a specific kind of Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) to help employees with the costs of individual health coverage. According to the statutory language under “Title XVIII – Other Provisions” of the Act, qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangements (QSEHRAs) are not considered “group health plans” and do not have to adhere to ACA market reforms,… Read More
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Update on the Status of the ACA
Update on the Status of the ACA With the impending inauguration, recent actions by the Senate and some confusing media reports, we wanted to provide a short Q&A to help you understand current events and what to expect as we head down the health care reform road in 2017… What’s the latest news? Download the bulletin for an update: Download Update on the Status of the ACA As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. account manager at (215)355-2121 if you have any questions or concerns.
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New Law Exempts Certain Small Employer HRAs From ACA Market Reforms
New Law Exempts Certain Small Employer HRAs From ACA Market Reforms Gaddiel Gonzalez-Brown & Brown Consulting President Obama has signed into law the 21st Century Cures Act, which, among other things, allows small employers to offer new “qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangements” to reimburse employees for qualified medical expenses, including individual health insurance premiums, for years after December 31, 2016. Small employers are defined as those with fewer than 50 full-time equivalent employees who do not offer a group health plan. Background Under prior agency guidance, stand-alone HRAs (except for retiree-only HRAs and HRAs consisting solely of excepted benefits) and HRAs used to purchase coverage on the individual… Read More
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Health Reform: Cost of Living Adjustments, Individual Penalty, HSA limits & more for 2017
On October 25 and 27, 2016, the IRS released cost of living adjustments for 2017 under various provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code). Some of these adjustments may affect your employee benefit plans. These adjustments include but are not limited to the following: Cafeteria Plans Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits Requirement To Maintain Minimum Essential Coverage (Individual Penalty) Highly Compensated Non-Grandfathered Plan Cost-Sharing Limits H.S.A. Annual contribution limitation, catch up contribution and minimum deductibles Key Employee Click here to download the bulletin As always if you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact your dedicated Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. account manager at (215)355-2121.
Continue ReadingElection Results and the ACA
With the outcome of the 2016 elections now official, the Republicans will hold the majority in both chambers of Congress and control of the White House beginning in 2017. Since President-elect Trump ran on a platform of “Replace and Repeal” of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), we anticipate that acting on this campaign promise will be one of the top priorities of the new Trump administration. We anticipate there will be significant disruption for individuals, employers, brokers and carriers across the country. Click here to read the latest bulletin
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ACA: Important Implementations & Delays in 2016
As our third year of the ACA Open Enrollment Period arrived, it’s time to examine some of the new implementations in 2016. Some of the major components, especially those affecting businesses were delayed or deferred since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. This year is considered to be a big year due to the “full implementation” of the employer mandate as well as a number of changes, repeals, and moratoriums on other sections of ACA. Some of the key changes are listed below: CHANGES AND IMPLEMENTATIONS Full implementation of the Employer Mandate Currently it is not mandated that employers provide health care to their employees. Moving forward, however, if… Read More
Continue ReadingCritically Important: Insurance for Serious Illness
Good news: You’ve got health insurance (at least, all Americans are required to or pay a penalty). Bad news: It doesn’t cover everything. Especially if something really bad happens, like a heart attack or stroke. Yes, a decent major medical plan will cover many of the health-related expenses related to a serious illness. But you’d likely still be left with significant out-of-pocket costs for deductibles and copayments. Medical insurance also doesn’t usually cover other related costs, such as travel to treatment centers, child care during absences or recovery, home modifications or rehabilitation charges. And if you lose income while you’re unable to work, you could have a tough time paying… Read More
Continue ReadingIBC Breaking News: Changes to SEP On-Exchange Verification Process
Changes to SEP On-Exchange Verification Process Starting June 17th, 2016 individuals enrolling in coverage through a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) on the Marketplace will need to provide specific documents to verify eligibility for certain SEPs, including: Loss of minimum essential coverage Change in primary place of living Birth Marriage Adoption, placement for adoption, placement for foster care, or child support or other court order Individuals who apply for these SEPs will be sent an Eligibility Notice for 2016 Coverage by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. To confirm eligibility and avoid a disruption of coverage, individuals must provide the required documents for each SEP by the deadline indicated within… Read More
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Notice of Subsidies in the Federal Marketplace
The Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) requires each Health Insurance Marketplace (“Marketplace”) to notify any employer whose employee was determined to be eligible for Advance Premium Tax Credits (“APTC”) and Cost Sharing Reductions (“CSR”) because the employee attested that he or she was not: • enrolled in employer sponsored coverage, or • eligible for employer coverage that is affordable and meets minimum value requirements. In 2016, the Federally-Facilitated Marketplace (“FFM”) will begin issuing these notices to employers. State-based Marketplaces began this notification process in 2015. Click the link to download the complete bulletin. Download Notice of Subsidies in the Federal Marketplace
Continue ReadingHow do I appeal a Marketplace decision?
You can request an appeal of any Marketplace decision, including decisions about Your eligibility to buy coverage in the Marketplace Your eligibility for, or the amount of, premium tax credits or cost sharing reductions Your eligibility for an exemption from the penalty for not having health insurance Untimely (late) notice from the Marketplace about a decision To make your appeal, start by reviewing the Marketplace’s decision. You will have received the decision (called a determination notice) online if you initially applied online, or in the mail if you submitted a paper application. So far, in the federal Marketplace, the notice will not provide much detail to explain the reasons… Read More
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Now Available: Empower Me Benefits Private Exchange
Total Benefit Solutions has partnered with Empower Me Benefits to provide our clients with best in industry benefits technology that‘s customizable for even the smallest employer. The EmpowerMe Benefits Exchange allows you to remain complaint with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), easily manage benefits, and control health care costs with a single solution. The EmpowerMeBenefits Exchange is an online benefit marketplace and benefits administration platform designed specifically to meet the needs of small and mid-sized companies. The Exchange provides employers with an enrollment and administration platform that aids employers in ACA compliance. This web-based solution allows you to offer any medical coverage next to pre-selected ancillary, voluntary, and TPA products.… Read More
Continue Reading2015 Compliance Compilation
The attached resource file is a compilation of all of our compliance bulletins for 2015 provided by our business partners at Emerson Reid and your benefits support team. Click the link below to download the entire 2015 compilation: 2015 Compliance Compilation
Continue ReadingHealth Care Reform: Taxes and Fees-PCORI Fee, Transitional Reinsurance Fee, Insurer Fee and Excise Tax
Health Care Reform: Taxes and Fees-PCORI Fee, Transitional Reinsurance Fee, Insurer Fee and Excise Tax From United Healthcare: Taxes and fees under the health reform law impact both fully insured and self-funded plans. But, they impact funding types differently. Employers with self-funded health plans submit applicable health reform fees directly to the government, and those with fully insured health plans will see fees prorated into their premiums. The fees are prorated over 12 months. Here is what you need to know about these fees and how they will impact your business. Please note that this document, provided by United Healthcare, has carrier specific language, however please contact your Total Benefit… Read More
Continue ReadingFraud, Waste & Abuse-Did You Know?
Fraud, Waste & Abuse: did you know? As a nation, we spend over $2.7 trillion on healthcare every year, and it is estimated that tens of billions are lost each year to FWA. One recent study estimated that fraud and abuse added as much as $98 billion to annual spending on Medicare and Medicaid. It affects not only the cost but quality of care received. Combating healthcare fraud in Medicare and Medicaid is an important priority for the Federal Government. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Federal agency responsible for administering these programs, takes its role in leading anti-fraud efforts very seriously and has issued strict requirements… Read More
Continue ReadingGroup Health Plan Notices 2015 CALENDAR
Group Health Plan Notices 2015 CALENDAR From our partners at HR360: This calendar/checklist is designed to help companies review the key reporting and notice requirements that may apply to their employer-sponsored group health plans under ERISA , the Affordable cxare Act, Medicare and more. Please note that this list is for general reference purposes only and is not all-inclusive. Note: ERISA and benefit requirements are complex, and your plan’s responsibilities may vary depending on the individual circumstances surrounding your company’s plan. Employers who have questions are encouraged to consult with their plan administrators, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, or a knowledgeable employment law attorney… Read More
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Employer Guide to Pay or Play Shared Responsibility
The Affordable Care Act’s Employer Shared Responsibility (ESR) provision — often called “the Employer Mandate” or “Play or Pay” — requires large employers to offer health coverage to their full-time workers or face a potential penalty. Small employers with fewer than 50 full-time and full-time-equivalent employees are exempt. Play or Pay takes effect January 1, 2015, although special transition relief rules will allow some employers to delay compliance for several months or into 2016. The concept behind Play or Pay is simple: To play, the employer must offer health coverage to full-time employees that work on average 30 or more hours per week. Employers that fail to offer coverage, or… Read More
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IRS Penalties for Small Employers Reimbursing Individual Health Insurance Premiums Will Not Apply Until July 2015
IRS Penalties for Small Employers Reimbursing Individual Health Insurance Premiums Will Not Apply Until July 2015 IRS Notice 2015-17 provides limited transition relief from the assessment of excise taxes for small employers who reimburse, or directly pay, the premium for an employee’s individual health insurance policy. Prohibited Plans An “employer payment plan” is an arrangement under which an employer reimburses an employee for some or all of the premium expenses incurred for an individual health insurance policy, or an arrangement under which the employer uses its funds to directly pay the premium for an individual health insurance policy covering the employee. Pursuant to prior agency guidance, employer payment plans are… Read More
Continue ReadingCMS Announces Special Enrollment Period for Tax Season
CMS Announces Special Enrollment Period for Tax Season Contact: CMS Announces Special Enrollment Period for Tax Season Eligible consumers have from March 15 through April 30 to enroll in coverage The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced today a special enrollment period (SEP) for individuals and families who did not have health coverage in 2014 and are subject to the fee or “shared responsibility payment” when they file their 2014 taxes in states which use the Federally-facilitated Marketplaces (FFM). This special enrollment period will allow those individuals and families who were unaware or didn’t understand the implications of this new requirement to enroll in 2015… Read More
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2014 Compliance Bulletin Compilation
Download our 2014 Compliance Bulletin Compilation, featuring all of our released compliance bulletins for the entire year! Topics include, Health Savings Accounts, The Individual Mandate, Employer “pay or play” mandate, exemptions, FSA carryovers and much, much more. All of the bulletins are in an easy to search format for your convenience. 2014 Compliance Compilation – Download As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions account manager at (215)355-02121 if you have any further questions or concerns.
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IBC: Effective January 1, 2015, HIPAA Certificates of Creditable Coverage are no longer required
On February 24, 2014, the United States Departments of Health and Human Services issued a final rule that addressed the requirement to provide HIPAA Certificates of Creditable Coverage (HIPAA Certificates) under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As the ACA prohibits pre-existing condition exclusions, the new rule eliminates the requirement to provide HIPAA Certificates beginning December 31, 2014. What does this mean for members? Previously, when coverage was terminated for a member or his/her dependents, Independence Blue Cross (Independence) issued a HIPAA Certificate. Because the ACA prohibits the application of pre-existing condition exclusions, which applies to both grandfathered and non-grandfathered health plans, these certificates are no longer required. Effective January, 1,… Read More
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Health Reform: Guidance Issued-Employer Reimbursement of Individual Policies
Previously, the Departments of Labor (“DOL”), Health and Human Services (“HHS”) and the Treasury (collectively, the “Departments”) explained that HRAs and employer payment plans cannot reimburse individual policies. On November 6, the Departments issued their twenty-second set of FAQs which make clear that: An employer cannot offer employees cash to reimburse the purchase of an individual policy, without regard to whether the employer treats the money as pre-tax or post-tax to the employee. Such arrangements are subject to the market reform provisions of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), including prohibition on annual limits and the requirement to provide certain preventive services without cost sharing with which it cannot comply. Such… Read More
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Total Benefit Solutions is your Marketplace Navigator
What do you get with Total Benefit Solutions as your Marketplace Navigator? A broker who is Unbiased and objective Trained Local Certified Licensed Insured Up to date Representing you Part of a team of dedicated professionals Click here for more information and to see our “Marketplace Navigator” brochure: Individual Enrollment Navigator Brochure
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IRS Coordinates Cafeteria Plan Rules with the ACA:Two New Election Changes Allowed
Two New Election Changes Allowed Existing cafeteria plan rules make it difficult (if not impossible) for participants to revoke pre-tax salary reduction elections mid-year and enroll in qualified health plan coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace (the “Marketplace,” sometimes referred to as the “Exchange”). To provide additional flexibility, the IRS issued Notice 2014-55, creating new opportunities for a participant to change mid-year an otherwise irrevocable cafeteria plan election. Click here to Download the Entire Bulletin
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