Exchange Notification Reminder
The very busy renewal date of December 1, 2014, is fast approaching. This notice is to remind you that each employer group must give their employees a Marketplace (Exchange) notification.
The first link below is for employer groups that currently do offer coverage. The second link below is for an employer that does NOT offer coverage to employees. Please remember this notification is for the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The form also works for any employer who is based in an FFM (Federal Facilitated Marketplace) State. It is NOT compliant in NY, MD or any other state that provides their own State based exchange.
Click here to view – FLSA With Plans Please review the entire form carefully. Some important items to note on the General information page:
Part B
The second link is for an employer that DOES NOT OFFER coverage to it’s employees. They simply needs to complete the Part B information and give it to their employees. It’s very short and simple. Click here to view – FLSA Without Plans
Please contact your Total Benefit Solutions Account manager at (215)355-2121 if you have any further questions, concerns or require assistance distributing the forms.