Benefits Notices: What Employers Need to Know

As an employer, it is important to be aware of the various benefits notices that you are required to provide to your employees. These notices are designed to inform employees of their rights and benefits under various laws and regulations. Failure to provide these notices can result in penalties and legal action. One of the notices that employers with 1-19 employees are required to provide is the Part D Creditable Coverage Disclosure Notice or Non-Creditable Coverage Disclosure Notice. This notice is provided to Medicare-eligible individuals who are offered prescription drug coverage under the employer’s group health plan. It must be provided annually prior to October 15th, upon request, and at… Read More

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Elevate Your Productivity with Better BenAdmin

In a fast-paced world, time is of the essence. We’re all too familiar with the feeling of being buried under a mountain of administrative tasks, wishing for an extra set of hands or a few more hours in the day. Well, wish no more! Enter Better BenAdmin, the game-changer powered by EBM (Efficiency-Boosting Machine). Seamless Schedule Management Scheduling headaches? Not anymore. Better BenAdmin effortlessly handles your calendar, ensuring that appointments are well-organized and conflicts are a thing of the past. No more double-bookings or time wasted on manual scheduling. Effortless Email Handling Say goodbye to the endless email backlog. Better BenAdmin sorts, filters, and responds to emails with precision and… Read More

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Choosing the Right Health Insurance: HMO vs. PPO

When it comes to health insurance, understanding the differences between various plans is crucial for making an informed decision. Two common types of health insurance plans are Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs). While both offer coverage for medical expenses, they have distinct features that can significantly impact your healthcare experience and costs. In this blog, we’ll explore three key differences between PPOs and HMOs to help you decide which one aligns better with your needs. 1. Network Flexibility: PPO: Preferred Provider Organizations are known for their expansive networks of healthcare providers. This includes a wide array of specialists and the option to seek care from out-of-network… Read More

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Annual Health Insurance Check-Up: Don’t Miss Out!

Health insurance is vital for your well-being, providing financial protection and access to essential healthcare. But it’s not a one-time decision. Did you know that reviewing your health insurance plan annually is crucial to ensure it still fits your needs and budget? In this blog, we’ll explore why this check-up is essential and provide key enrollment dates. Plus, we’re here to assist you every step of the way! Why an Annual Review Matters: Enrollment Dates: Let’s talk about the enrollment dates you need to remember: How We Can Help: Navigating health insurance can be complex, but you’re not alone. Our expert team is ready to assist you in reviewing your… Read More

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What’s New in the 2023 ACA Open Enrollment?

The 2023 Affordable Care Act (ACA) Open Enrollment period is upon us, marking a significant milestone as Health Insurance Marketplaces open their doors for the tenth year. From November 1, 2022, to January 15, 2023, individuals and families have the opportunity to secure comprehensive healthcare coverage. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key changes and updates for this year’s open enrollment, focusing on insights gathered from the Kaiser Family Foundation’s informative article titled “Nine Changes to Watch in Open Enrollment 2023” [source:]. As the ACA Open Enrollment enters its tenth year, changes abound, ensuring improved access, affordability, and assistance for individuals and families seeking healthcare coverage. Staying… Read More

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Exploring PEOs: Efficiency and Compliance Solutions

In today’s business landscape, optimizing operations and compliance is an ongoing challenge. Enter PEOs – Professional Employer Organizations. PEOs offer outsourcing solutions that reshape how companies handle HR and administrative tasks. Let’s dive into the world of PEOs and unveil their potential advantages and drawbacks. A “PEO,” or Professional Employer Organization, forms a strategic partnership where businesses team up with experts to manage HR and admin functions. This collaboration lets companies offload tasks like payroll, benefits, and compliance, ideal for small to mid-sized businesses aiming to streamline while focusing on core activities. Pros of PEOs: Cons of PEOs: In conclusion, PEOs provide a promising avenue for businesses aiming to bolster… Read More

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IRS Addresses COVID-19 Testing and HDHP Treatment

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, high deductible health plans (“HDHPs”) can provide coverage for COVID-19 testing and treatment before the minimum deductible is satisfied without jeopardizing an individual’s ability to have tax-favored contributions made to their health savings account (“HSA”). This relief remains in effect pending future IRS guidance.On June 24, 2023, the IRS issued Notice 2023-37, announcing that this relief will sunset with respect to plan years ending on or before December 31, 2024. In addition, IRS Notice 2023-37 states that HDHPs may continue to provide first-dollar coverage for preventive care with an “A” or “B” rating by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (“USPSTF”), prior… Read More

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Unlock Your Best Health: 5 Must-Know Tips & Tools!

Five major tips and resources for maintaining overall health and wellness: Remember, it’s important to personalize these tips to your individual needs and consult with healthcare professionals before making significant changes to your lifestyle. We’re committed to providing exceptional support, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated Total Benefit Solutions health insurance specialists at (215)-355-2121. We’re here to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.

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Top 10 Ways to Make Your Health Benefits Work for You

Unleash the Full Potential of Your Health Coverage!  Are you making the most of your health benefits? The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) administers crucial health benefit laws that cover employer-based health plans. These laws safeguard your rights to essential information about your health plan, guide you on qualifying for benefits and making claims, ensure continued health benefits during job transitions, and offer protections for special medical conditions. Start by exploring your health coverage options, delving into different plans, and matching them with your needs. Not sure if your plan covers mental health or substance use disorder services? We’ve got you covered with essential information on these benefits too! Your… Read More

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How much do employees contribute towards their insurance expenses?

Average Contributions Most employees do make a contribution toward their insurance costs. Covered workers, on average, contribute 17% of the premium for single coverage and 28% of the premium for family coverage. These numbers are similar to those reported by KFF in its EHBS in 2021. The average contribution for workers at small firms is $7,556, which is more than a third higher than the average for those at large firms ($5,580). Workers at private, for-profit firms contribute a higher percentage of the premium versus those at public firms, regardless of coverage type. A fortunate one-third of employees (33%) at small firms are enrolled in coverage where the employer pays… Read More

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What Additional Changes Are Being Made to Part D?

As of 2023, the out-of-pocket cost of insulin products is limited to no more than $35 per month in all Part D plans. In addition, adult vaccines covered under Part D, such as the shingles vaccine, are covered with no cost sharing. Starting in 2024, people with Medicare who have incomes up to 150% of poverty and resources at or below the limits for partial low-income subsidy benefits will be eligible for full benefits under the Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) Program. The law eliminates the partial LIS benefit currently in place for individuals with incomes between 135% and 150% of poverty. Also starting in 2024, the calculation of the… Read More

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How Is the Medicare Part D Benefit Changing in 2024?

In 2024, costs in the catastrophic phase will change: the 5% coinsurance requirement for Part D enrollees will be eliminated and Part D plans will pay 20% of total drug costs in this phase instead of 15%. The 5% coinsurance requirement for Part D enrollees in the catastrophic phase will be eliminated In 2024, once Part D enrollees without low-income subsidies (LIS) have drug spending high enough to qualify for catastrophic coverage, they will no longer be required to pay 5% of their drug costs, which in effect means that out-of-pocket spending for Part D enrollees will be capped. In 2024, the catastrophic threshold will be set at $8,000. This… Read More

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Independence Blue Cross Announcing Value and Select formulary changes effective July 1

We want to remind you that we are making changes to the Value and Select Drug Program (Select) formularies for July 1. Updates are made to these formularies on a quarterly basis. A flyer summarizing the changes to each formulary is available by clicking on Value formulary or Select Drug Program. The complete, updated lists for July 1 are available on our website. To view, choose the link to either the Value or Select formulary. The updated list is available under “Formulary drug documents.” Members, as well as their providers, who are impacted by the changes were sent letters in April (60 days in advance). Members are encouraged to talk with their provider about switching… Read More

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12 Tips for Maximizing Your High Deductible

Nearly 40% of people have a health care plan with a high deductible. An even higher percentage of people wish they had a lower deductible (who wouldn’t?!). And with medical bills being the leading cause of bankruptcies, it is important to understand how to maximize your high deductible so that you can stay afloat in case something unexpected were to happen. 1. Find Out What’s Free Many routine services are free. Instead of staying home to save money, you could get a free screening for preventative care. Common services covered are colonoscopies, mammograms, and vaccinations. About 90% of people with high deductible plans don’t know that such services are free.… Read More

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Individual Coverage HRA: Choice and affordability in employee health benefits

How HRAs work Health Reimbursement Arrangements are employer-funded accounts that reimburse employees for eligible medical expenses. No employee contributions are allowed. Since an HRA is funded only by the employer, the employer sets the rules of the plan. The ICHRA works much the same as other HRAs, with the following important differences: ICHRA rules Traditional group health plans An employer may not offer an ICHRA and a traditional group health plan (GHP) to employees within the same class. However, an employer may offer an ICHRA to one class of employees and a traditional GHP to another class. Also, a traditional GHP may be grandfathered for current employees while all new… Read More

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Do HSA’s, FSA’s, or HRA’s carryover or rollover?

Health Savings Account (HSA): All funds belong to the employee. Unused balances roll over into the next year. Funds do not expire from year-to-year. Rollover funds do not count towards the contribution limit. Health Flexible Spending Account (FSA): Amounts must be incurred by the end of the plan year and do not usually carry over unless an employer allows up to $610 to carry over into the next year. Amounts that roll do not affect the maximum election that can be made for the plan year. Otherwise, employers may adopt a 2 and half month grace period that allows participants to access unused amounts remaining in their accounts. Health Reimbursement… Read More

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Broker Change Leads to Better Results

Broker Change Leads to Better Results Sometimes a benefits consultant may become a bit complacent and fail to aggressively pursue available cost containment strategies for a client. When that happens, it may be time to consider a change. Read for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients. The Issue A mid-sized group prospect was unhappy with their current broker and looking for a change. They thought more could be done to help control their employee benefit budget and were looking for guidance. They came to us with a 17% health insurance renewal. Our Solution Our team met with the business owner… Read More

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ACA: Special Election Cheat Sheet

Download our SEP Cheat Sheet. Know your health insurance SEP to get enrolled outside of the annual open enrollment period. As always contact your Total Benefit Solutions health insurance experts for more specific information about your situation at (215)355-2121

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Turning 26: Your Guide to Health Insurance

Turning 26: Your Guide to Getting Your New Health Insurance:

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Health Insurance Broker Change Leads to Better Results

Watch Video The Issue A mid-sized group prospect was unhappy with their current broker and looking for a change. They thought more could be done to help control their employee benefit budget and were looking for guidance. They came to us with a 17% health insurance renewal. Our Solution Our team met with the business owner and Human Resource Director to review the following: The corporate goals and philosophy regarding employee benefits The benefit structure and costs of their present programs Options for cost containment strategies How to integrate wellness into their benefits portfolio Methods for better communication of the benefit programs to employees The Result The customer was pleased… Read More

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