Health Savings Account (HSA): All funds belong to the employee. Unused balances roll over into the next year. Funds do not expire from year-to-year. Rollover funds do not count towards the contribution limit. Health Flexible Spending Account (FSA): Amounts must be incurred by the end of the plan year and do not usually carry over unless an employer allows up to $610 to carry over into the next year. Amounts that roll do not affect the maximum election that can be made for the plan year. Otherwise, employers may adopt a 2 and half month grace period that allows participants to access unused amounts remaining in their accounts. Health Reimbursement… Read More
Continue ReadingGet Your FSA, HRA, HSA Health Accounts Comparison Chart
What’s the difference which spending account you use at your company? Download our comparison chart for a quick, simple side by side comparison. Contact your health insurance experts at Total Benefit Solutions, Inc to find out which account might be the best fit for your organization!
Continue ReadingDoes a Health Savings Account (HSA) have Reimbursable Expenses?
Employees can use the HSA to pay for Code §213(d) medical expenses, expenses such as expenditures for medical care, to the extent that such amounts are not reimbursed by insurance or any other source. Medicines and drugs (other than insulin) can be qualified medical expenses only if they are prescribed. Under the CARES Act, employers can also allow for reimbursement of OTC drugs. With certain exceptions, qualified medical expenses do not include payments for health insurance premiums or coverage contributions toward self-funded health coverage. However, the expense for coverage under any of the following will be an HSA-qualified medical expenses: HSA funds may not be used to pay insurance premiums… Read More
Continue ReadingWhat are HDHPs & HSAs?
One way to manage your health care expenses is by enrolling in a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) in combination with opening a Health Savings Account (HSA). How High Deductible Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts can reduce your costs: If you enroll in an HDHP, you may pay a lower monthly premium but have a higher deductible (meaning you pay for more of your health care items and services before the insurance plan pays). If you combine your HDHP with an HSA, you can pay that deductible, plus other qualified medical expenses, using money you set aside in your tax-free HSA. So if you have an HDHP and don’t… Read More
Continue ReadingThe Future of Employee Benefit Offerings: Student Debt Repayment Assistance
When looking for a job, the benefits offered to an Employee are definitely a big factor in consideration of accepting an offer of employment. Most people are willing to choose a company with a slight pay decrease if the benefit package compensates for the lost wages. With unemployment the lowest it has been since 2000 in the United States, attracting new talent isn’t as easy as it used to be and Employers are looking for ways to snatch up qualified applicants. When you think of benefit packages, you usually think of the basics: Health Insurance (with possibly an HSA, HRA, or FSA included), Dental and Vision coverage. “Good” benefit packages… Read More
Continue ReadingWhy Offer an HRA to Your Employees?
Healthcare Reimbursement Arrangement, typically referred to as an HRA, can be utilized by employers to reduce their overall healthcare costs without placing additional financial burden on their employees. An HRA allows the employer to pay for eligible expenses with pre-tax dollars. The employer decides what expenses are eligible, within the IRS guidelines, leaving a lot of flexibility in plan design. Typically an HRA is coupled with a High Deductible Health Plan and the HRA pays for either the entire deductible or a portion of the deductible. With this type of a plan the premium savings often outweigh the potential claims that the employer would have to pay if every employee… Read More
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