Average Contributions

Most employees do make a contribution toward their insurance costs. Covered workers, on average, contribute 17% of the premium for single coverage and 28% of the premium for family coverage. These numbers are similar to those reported by KFF in its EHBS in 2021.

The average contribution for workers at small firms is $7,556, which is more than a third higher than the average for those at large firms ($5,580). Workers at private, for-profit firms contribute a higher percentage of the premium versus those at public firms, regardless of coverage type.

A fortunate one-third of employees (33%) at small firms are enrolled in coverage where the employer pays the full premium for single coverage. That compares to just six percent of workers at large firms. Nearly one-third of insured employees at small firms (31%) must pay more than half of their family premium coverage. That compares to just seven percent of workers at large firms.

Nine percent of covered employees, including more than one-fifth (21%) at small firms are in enrolled in a plan with the worker contributing $12,000 or more toward the cost of their family coverage.

If you have any questions or concerns about this bulletin, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions Inc health insurance account manager at (215) 355-2121