Critically Important: Insurance for Serious Illness

Good news: You’ve got health insurance (at least, all Americans are required to or pay a penalty). Bad news: It doesn’t cover everything. Especially if something really bad happens, like a heart attack or stroke. Yes, a decent major medical plan will cover many of the health-related expenses related to a serious illness. But you’d likely still be left with significant out-of-pocket costs for deductibles and copayments. Medical insurance also doesn’t usually cover other related costs, such as travel to treatment centers, child care during absences or recovery, home modifications or rehabilitation charges. And if you lose income while you’re unable to work, you could have a tough time paying… Read More

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Limited Benefit Medical Plans

Why Consider a Limited Benefit Medical Plan? When it comes to medical benefits, employers used to face two choices — comprehensive employer-paid medical plans or no insurance at all. However, with the inception of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the option not to offer medical insurance no longer exists for some employers. Limited benefit medical plans can be powerful tools for recruiting and retaining employees in situations where traditional medical benefits are not offered or affordable. These plans can also be useful in increasing productivity through reduced absenteeism due to illness, improving employee morale and as a means to provide the level of coverage required by law.… Read More

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Reminder: PCORI Fees Due August 1

The annual Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (PCORI) fee is due to the IRS August 1, 2016. The fee, charged to certain health insurance policies, is used to support the activities of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, a nonprofit, non-governmental organization (NGO) established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Fully- and self-insured group health plans ( Including HRA’s) are subject to PCORI fees.  A health insurer will pay the fee on behalf of the employer if the plan is fully insured. Click here to read the bulletin from Primepay As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions dedicated account manager at (215)355-2121 if you have any further questions or concerns.

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Now Available from Total Benefit Solutions: Low Cost ERISA Wrap SPD Documents

Wrap Summary Plan Description (SPD) If you offer group health insurance you’re now required by ERISA law, enforced by the Department of Labor and now the Affordable Care Act, to distribute a Wrap SPD within 120 days of the Plan’s effective date. The ERISA and ACA required Group Health Insurance Wrap SPD document is now available for a $99 one-time fee. You only update your Wrap SPD document as your benefit options change. The low cost Wrap SPD document is limited to fully insured group health insurance plans only.     Here are the Wrap SPD document requirements by ERISA and the Affordable Care Act as succinctly as possible: If… Read More

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Paylocity:4 Ways the New Overtime Rules Could Affect Employee Benefit Plans

New rules about who is exempt from overtime and who must earn it will be a jolt for many companies around the nation. However, the cost and implications won’t be limited to how employees are paid. “Much of the attention is focused on the impact on employees’ wages,” Jaqueline Breslin writes forBenefitsPro. “But, these changes will also have a huge influence on employee benefits policies as employers decide on their approaches to stay compliant with the new regulations.” Click here for the full story.

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Total Benefit Solutions: New Starmark Self Insured Plans for Small Groups

Total Benefit Solutions is proud to announce that we are now appointed with Starmark to provide affordable and predictable self insured medical plans to small businesses. Starmark® administers self-funded health benefit plans exclusively for smaller businesses nationwide. Employers choose from extensive plan design choices to create a self-funded health plan to meet their unique needs and budget, while stop-loss insurance from Trustmark Life Insurance Company provides protection against large covered claims. Click Here To View A Client Testimonial Click here for more information and to watch a short video about these products and how your organization might benefit from a self insured plan.

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Did You Know About Medicare’s Preventative Services?

Medicare pays for many preventive services to keep you healthy. Preventive services can find health problems early, when treatment works best, and can keep you from getting certain diseases. Preventive services include exams, shots, lab tests, and screenings. They also include programs for health monitoring, and counseling and education to help you take care of your own health. The Affordable Care Act makes many improvements to Medicare. If you have Original Medicare, you can get a yearly “Wellness” visit and many other covered preventive services! Click here to download Medicare’s Preventative Services Guide Click below to watch a video from Medicare about the preventative services benefits.

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IBC Breaking News: Changes to SEP On-Exchange Verification Process

Changes to SEP On-Exchange Verification Process Starting June 17th, 2016 individuals enrolling in coverage through a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) on the Marketplace will need to provide specific documents to verify eligibility for certain SEPs, including: Loss of minimum essential coverage Change in primary place of living Birth Marriage Adoption, placement for adoption, placement for foster care, or child support or other court order Individuals who apply for these SEPs will be sent an Eligibility Notice for 2016 Coverage by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. To confirm eligibility and avoid a disruption of coverage, individuals must provide the required documents for each SEP by the deadline indicated within… Read More

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Notice of Subsidies in the Federal Marketplace

The Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) requires each Health Insurance Marketplace (“Marketplace”) to notify any employer whose employee was determined to be eligible for Advance Premium Tax Credits (“APTC”) and Cost Sharing Reductions (“CSR”) because the employee attested that he or she was not: • enrolled in employer sponsored coverage, or • eligible for employer coverage that is affordable and meets minimum value requirements. In 2016, the Federally-Facilitated Marketplace (“FFM”) will begin issuing these notices to employers. State-based Marketplaces began this notification process in 2015. Click the link to download the complete bulletin. Download Notice of Subsidies in the Federal Marketplace

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The PCOR filing deadline is August 1, 2016 for all self-funded medical plans and HRAs for plan years ending in 2015…

The PCOR filing deadline is August 1, 2016 for all self-funded medical plans and HRAs for plan years ending in 2015. The IRS has also issued FAQs that address how the PCOR fee works with a self-insured health plan on a short plan year.  Please note that for those with an HRA plan, and HRA is ” self insurance” and you are required to file and pay the PCOR fee. Please download the document below for more details and links to specific resources. Download PCOR Fee Filing Reminder for Self-Insured Plans

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New ACA Delays/Extensions/Eliminations Chart–Download Free

With so many different ACA provisions, HR360’s simple new chart provides you and your clients with a clear understanding of the key requirements that have been delayed, extended, or eliminated under the Affordable Care Act.  Our business partner, HR360’s simple chart features important ACA delays, extensions, and eliminations, including: Eliminated automatic enrollment provisions Delay of the “Cadillac” tax Extension of information reporting deadlines Download ACA_Delays_Extensions_and_Eliminations

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Departments issue new ACA FAQ’s

The Departments of Labor, the Treasury, and Health and Human Services (collectively, the “Departments”) have issued the 31st set of Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) frequently asked questions (“FAQs”). This time, the Departments address a wide range of topics including preventive services, disclosure obligations, coverage in connection with approved clinical trials, reference-based pricing, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, and the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act. Below is a brief summary of the guidance issued on these topics. Click the link below to download the bulletin.   Download Departments Issue 31st set of FAQs

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Health Care Reform: 8 things the IRS wants small employers to know about the health care tax credit

  The Affordable Care Act’s small business health care tax credit is designed to encourage small employers to offer health insurance coverage to their employees. Click the link below to download the whitepaper 8 things the IRS wants small employers to know about this credit: 8 Things to Know About the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit For more information about the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager at (215)355-2121 or visit your ThinkHR library at and log in.     Watch a video below about the Small Business Healthcare Tax Credit

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Form 1095-C Notification Reminder and Frequently Asked Questions

Form 1095-C Notification Reminder and Frequently Asked Questions 2015 Forms 1095-C must be furnished to individuals by March 31, 2016. Generally, if Forms 1094-C and/or 1095-C are incorrect and incomplete, a penalty may apply if not corrected by the due date and the employer cannot show reasonable cause. Briefly, the amount of penalties can range from $50/form with a $500,000 maximum penalty/year to $250/form with a maximum penalty of $3M/year. Click here to download Form 1095-C Notification Reminder and Frequently Asked Questions – 031516R As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. account manager at (215)355-2121 if you have any questions or concerns about this bulletin, or any other… Read More

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Obama administration backs off on ACA rules for 2017 health plans

CMS released a sweeping final rule (PDF) Monday afternoon that solidifies the Affordable Care Act’s coverage policies for 2017. The agency proposed tight network adequacy provisions and standardized health plan options in November, which fueled antipathy from the health insurance industry.   Click here for the full story from Modern Healthcare   As always, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager at (215)355-2121 if you have any questions or concerns about the Affordable Care Act.

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GAO Report: PPACA- CMS Should Act to Strengthen Enrollment Controls and Manage Fraud Risk

During undercover testing, the federal Marketplace approved subsidized coverage under the act for 11 of 12 fictitious GAO phone or online applicants for 2014. The GAO applicants obtained a total of about $30,000 in annual advance premium tax credits, plus eligibility for lower costs at time of service. The fictitious enrollees maintained subsidized coverage throughout 2014, even though GAO sent fictitious documents, or no documents, to resolve application inconsistencies   Click here for the highlight sheet Click here for the full report

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2016 Federal Poverty Guidelines Updated

Large employers may be subject to the employer penalty under the Affordable Care Act if they do not offer affordable, minimum value coverage to all full-time employees and at least one full-time employee receives a subsidy in the Exchange. The Federal Poverty Line (“FPL”) is relevant to this penalty in two ways. Please click the link below to download the bulletin with he new guidelines. 2016 Federal Poverty Guidelines If you have any additional questions regarding this bulletin, or the Affordable Care Act please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager at (215)355-2121.

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How do I appeal a Marketplace decision?

  You can request an appeal of any Marketplace decision, including decisions about Your eligibility to buy coverage in the Marketplace Your eligibility for, or the amount of, premium tax credits or cost sharing reductions Your eligibility for an exemption from the penalty for not having health insurance Untimely (late) notice from the Marketplace about a decision To make your appeal, start by reviewing the Marketplace’s decision. You will have received the decision (called a determination notice) online if you initially applied online, or in the mail if you submitted a paper application. So far, in the federal Marketplace, the notice will not provide much detail to explain the reasons… Read More

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Now Available: Empower Me Benefits Private Exchange

Total Benefit Solutions has partnered with Empower Me Benefits to provide our clients with best in industry benefits technology that‘s customizable for even the smallest employer. The EmpowerMe Benefits Exchange allows you to remain complaint with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), easily manage benefits, and control health care costs with a single solution. The EmpowerMeBenefits Exchange is an online benefit marketplace and benefits administration platform designed specifically to meet the needs of small and mid-sized companies. The Exchange provides employers with an enrollment and administration platform that aids employers in ACA compliance. This web-based solution allows you to offer any medical coverage next to pre-selected ancillary, voluntary, and TPA products.… Read More

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New Guidance Tackles Employer Mandate Issues

  A number of Employer Mandate updates are included in this bulletin. Please click on the link to download this important update. As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager if you have any questions or concerns regarding this release at (215)355-2121. Download Update:Employer Mandate Issues 2016                

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2015 Compliance Compilation

The attached resource file is a compilation of all of our compliance bulletins for 2015 provided by our business partners at Emerson Reid and your benefits support team. Click the link below to download the entire 2015 compilation: 2015 Compliance Compilation    

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New Guidance Addresses Account Based Plans

  IRS Notice 2015-87 provides further guidance on health flexible spending accounts (“health FSAs”) and health reimbursement arrangements (“HRAs”) (and other topics summarized in past articles). Click the link below for more information. New Guidance Addresses Account-Based Plans – 012516    

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New Qualified Transit and Parking Guidance

  The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (the “Act”) permanently changed the pre-tax transit benefits to be at parity with parking benefits. As a result, the Act retroactively increased the 2015 transit benefits from $130 to $250. For 2016, the transit and parking pre-tax benefits are $255. Click the link below to read the entire bulletin. New Qualified Transit and Parking Guidance – 012216R

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Millions of Uninsured May Pay More for Coverage Penalty than Coverage Would Cost

Millions of Uninsured May Pay More for Coverage Penalty than Coverage Would Cost   A recent Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) analysis found that millions may pay more for not having health insurance in 2016 than the coverage would cost. The ACA’s individual mandate penalty is collected with income taxes and was created to encourage people not to wait until they get sick to buy health insurance.   For 2016, the penalty is the greater of two amounts:   •$695 plus $347.50 per child, up to a $2,085 max for a family or •2.5 percent of family income in excess of 2015 income tax filing thresholds ($10,300 for an individual, $20,600… Read More

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IRS Extends Employers’ and Insurers’ Reporting Deadlines Under the ACA

IRS Extends Employers’ and Insurers’ Reporting Deadlines Under the ACA   On December 28, the U.S. Treasury and Internal Revenue Service announced a limited extension of the early 2016 due dates for the 2015 information reporting requirements for employers and insurers under the ACA. This is the first year that employers and insurers are required to report certain information about health coverage to employees, other individuals to the IRS. Specifically, employers will have two additional months beyond the February 1 due date to provide individuals forms for reporting on offers of health coverage and the coverage provided. The deadlines to report this information to the IRS are extended by three… Read More

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