Despite Improvements, Still Marked By Technical Issues.

Despite Improvements, Still Marked By Technical Issues. via nahu,org:’s first full day after its overhaul generated very little unambiguously positive coverage from nonpartisan news outlets, and a great deal of reporting highlighting the technological obstacles that continue to confront those attempting to use the site to purchase health insurance. The site and its improvements, however successful, garnered nearly six minutes of network news coverage and prominent placement in many of the nation’s major newspapers. Scott Pelley, on the CBS Evening News, reported that on Monday, “faced its first big test…since the Obama Administration said that it met its deadline to make” the site “work smoothly for the… Read More

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Online Enrollment for Federally-Facilitated SHOP Marketplace Further Delayed for One Year

Small Employers Must Continue to Apply Offline Until November 2014 Online enrollment for small employers to purchase employee health coverage through the federally-facilitated Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace has been delayed for one year, until November 2014. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services previously announced that all SHOP functions would be available this month. Until online functionality for SHOP is available, small business owners who wish to purchase a SHOP qualified health plan may work with an agent or broker to enroll. For 2014, the federally-facilitated SHOP Marketplace is open to employers with 50 or fewer full-time equivalent employees. Employers located in a state which is operating its… Read More

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Healtcare Reform Law

Obama Administration Delays Small Business Enrollment On Federal Exchange

story per Several media outlets, including two national newspapers, covered the Obama Administration’s announcement over the holiday weekend of a one year delay to small business exchange enrollment on the Federal health insurance marketplace. Some sources focused on the mechanics of the policy shift while others centered their coverage on the political implications of the latest setback to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. The New York Times (11/28, Pear, Subscription Publication) reported that the Obama Administration announced on Wednesday a delay of one year to small business enrollment in Federal health insurance exchange. The delay applies to small businesses in states using the Federal government’s exchange. The… Read More

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PA Cancelled Policies Update and ACA

Governor Corbett and the Pennsylvania Insurance Department have been working with health insurance carriers to provide guidance for Pennsylvanians who have been left confused by the unprecedented, ongoing changes in the health insurance marketplace.   Individuals who had their individual plans canceled because of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are hearing from their insurance companies now.   Today, Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Mike Consedine announced that insurance companies will have the option to continue individual policies originally set for cancellation. Options for policyholders may differ and may include continuation of their current policies or enrollment in a new ACA-compliant product. Options will be insurance-company specific and consumers are encouraged to call… Read More

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2015 Open Enrollment Delayed

At around 10:00 p.m. on November 21st, a HHS spokesperson, who asked to remain anonymous because the announcement is not yet official, divulged that the 2015 open enrollment period will be delayed one month, ostensibly to give insurers more time to set rates and to give consumers more time to shop for plans. The open enrollment period change, which does not impact this year’s open enrollment at all, means that people will begin being allowed to enroll in exchange plans November 15, 2014, and the enrollment window will end on January 15, 2015.   Click here for entire story

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Clearer Enrollment Paths In Sight?

From One of the biggest concerns NAHU has had with the whole roll out of is the lack of a reliable and easy path for certified agents and brokers to take their clients through the enrollment process. This week, we may have had delusions or seen a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. First of all, as a result of media and political pressure NAHU and coalition partners have been placing on the Administration, they made a public statement that from this point forward, brokers who place a three-way call with clients to the call center should always be able to receive credit for helping their… Read More

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Well That Explains Why So Few People Have Paid For Plans

Source: During a hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Tuesday, Henry Chao, deputy chief information officer and deputy director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Office of Information Services, delivered a bombshell — 40% of the IT systems supporting the federal exchange still need to be built. While Chao alluded to this during a House Oversight and Government Reform committee hearing last week, he went into more detail on Tuesday. Specifically, the financial management tools (the process that will deliver payment to insurers) still hasn’t been built… Click here for entire story

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Yesterday’s ACA Press Conference

Yesterday, as part of a press conference held to address recent issues related to the Affordable Care Act, President Obama announced that some major medical customers — both individual and small group — may be allowed to keep their current 2013 plan for another year. We are carefully evaluating the announcement and awaiting further guidance in determining how this may change the law’s requirements that all non-grandfathered individual medical and small group fully insured health plans must comply with certain benefit changes in 2014. We understand that you probably have many questions right now. While we do not know all the answers, we do know that our efforts to work… Read More

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Small Businesses May Be Able to Re-Enroll in Current Coverage

Small Businesses May Be Able to Re-Enroll in Current Coverage The federal government is encouraging states to adopt a transitional policy which would allow a health insurance issuer, at its option, to continue group coverage that would otherwise be terminated or cancelled. Affected small businesses may choose to re-enroll in such coverage for 2014. Not all states and insurance companies will permit coverage to continue. Under the transitional policy, small group health insurance that is renewed for a policy year starting between January 1, 2014 and October 1, 2014 will not be considered to be out of compliance with certain key Affordable Care Act market reforms (originally scheduled to take… Read More

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4 Tips to Protect Your Small Business From ObamaCare Scams

Many small business owners are still confused about ObamaCare. In fact, one survey found that 56% of small businesses are confused about the employer mandate and 62% of small businesses cannot confidently explain the health insurance exchanges to employees. And unfortunately when there is confusion and fear, there are scammers looking to take advantage. According to The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud and the BBB, state officials across the country are seeing an increase Obamacare scams in order to obtain Social Security, credit card, and bank account numbers. The type of scams include fake navigators, false health insurance exchange websites, email pitches, Medicare scams, and various ObamaCare health insurance signup cons.… Read More

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Modifying the “Use-It-Or-Lose-It” Rule for Health FSAs

The Treasury and IRS released guidance modifying the use-it-or-lose-it rule. Effective with the 2013 plan year, plan sponsors, at their option, may now allow employees to carryover up to $500 of unused FSA funds to the next plan year. Please click the link below to download the updated bulletin. FSA _Use it or Lose it_ – 110613R

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How do I apply for an exemption under healthcare reform?

Starting in 2014, most people must have health coverage or pay a fee (the “individual shared responsibility payment”). If you think you qualify you will want to know how to apply for an exemption. Click the link below to learn how to apply for exemptions: The Shared ResponsibilityHow to apply for an exemption

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The Healthcare Reform GPS

  Like many small to mid size employers with a fully insured or self insured plan, you probably have questions about the changes due to the Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act (PPACA). Use this GPS for help in finding the answers you need about healthcare reform. Provided by Starmark plans and Trustmark Life Insurance. Click here to visit the Healthcare Reform GPS 

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The Shared Responsibility Payment- What are Exemptions?

Starting in 2014, most people must have health coverage or pay a fee (the “individual shared responsibility payment”). You can get an exemption in certain cases. Exemptions from the payment Under certain circumstances, you won’t have to make the individual responsibility payment. This is called an “exemption.” Click the link below to learn more about exemptions from the payment. The Shared Responsibility Payment-Exemptions

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Change to FSA “Use It or Lose It” Provision

Yesterday, the Department of Treasury announced a major policy change that will impact Flexible Spending Account (FSA) plans. In what is being hailed as a hugely positive development for administrators, employers, and FSA participants, the Treasury has modified the “use it or lose it” provision to allow for a limited rollover of FSA funds. Details are as follows: Effective for the 2014 plan year, employers will have the option to allow FSA plan participants to roll over up to $500 of unused funds at the end of the plan year. Effective immediately, employers with an FSA plan that does not include a grace period will have the option to allow… Read More

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What is the shared responsibility payment under health care reform?

Starting in 2014, most people must have health coverage or pay a fee (the “individual shared responsibility payment”). You can get an exemption in certain cases. The individual shared responsibility payment If you can afford health insurance but choose not to buy it, you must pay a fee known as the individual shared responsibility payment. Click the link below to learn more… What is the shared responsibility payment?

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Consumer Reports: Stay away from for at least another month

Despite President Obama’s assurance that the troubled website is currently undergoing fixes, Consumer Reports is suggesting people “stay away” from the federal online marketplace for another month. Click the link below to read the story:

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2013 Compliance Bulletin Collection

Just in case you thought you missed something, we have compiled this collection  featuring of our compliance bulletins from January to October 2013. This is meant as a resource for you, our client to have all of this information in one place.  Click here for more information or to download the document.

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An important note about the problems

As most of us are aware, there are many problems with the website. Today President Obama addressed the concerns and issues. The president suggested a work around for the website issues by calling the 800 number. Click here to read the story on cnn.  At least until the bugs can be worked out. However it is important to point out that anyone who calls the 800 number can not use the free and important services of their independent insurance broker. Brokers are exempt from helping people who enroll over the phone.  So if you are going to call the number be prepared to go through the process without help or… Read More

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How Does The Individual Mandate Work?

  Beginning January 1, 2014, taxpayers (with certain limited exemptions) will be assessed a tax for any months during which they or their dependents lack minimum essential coverage. An individual has three choices: (1) qualify for an exemption, (2) get minimum essential coverage (with or without government assistance if under the Exchange), or (3) pay the individual mandate. Click here for the full story  

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Reports Of Troubles Surrounding Piling Up.

Reports Of Troubles Surrounding Piling Up. This Report from Reports continue to pile up of growing troubles surrounding, the Federally-run insurance marketplace set up under the Affordable Care Act which opened for enrollment October 1. Whether technical, financial, or political, the issues will likely be brought to the forefront as the budget negotiations fade from view. Thursday night, NBC Nightly News reported, “Had it not been for the government shutdown becoming our lead story for these past 16 days and nights, it may well have been Obamacare and the incredibly rocky rollout for the Federal government’s healthcare website.” The report continued, “Some Republicans are saying the Secretary… Read More

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Important Information about Registering for the Marketplace

We are pleased to help our clients get enrolled and compare plans on the new health insurance marketplace. However please follow the instructions below so that we can assist you. Please note that we will not have access to your record to work with you if you do not complete the registration properly. The agent/broker should work with the consumer to make sure that the consumer enters the agent’s/broker’s identifying information, including National Producer Number (NPN), so that the FFM can associate the transaction with the agent/broker so that an issuer may facilitate compensation. Log in at and register… When the consumer is logged in to the page,… Read More

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Health insurance exchanges open, users can’t get in

Health insurance exchanges open, users can’t get in Read more at

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An Era ends in the health insurance world

At the end of the day today, health insurance as we have known it will begin it’s final lap. When  the clock turns to 12:01 AM tomorrow, October 1st 2013 a new era begins. With effective dates of January 1st 2014, the new healthcare marketplaces will open online for consumers, and on paper for small businesses. Available will be plans from multiple insurers in each state, with more to come in the future. The most important differences will be that all plans will cover pre-existing conditions. No applicants will be turned away because of their current health conditions, or ones in the past. New rating methodologies will change which will… Read More

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Health care is changing, but you can still count on Delta Dental’s Small Business Program

From: Delta Dental….   Health care is changing, but you can still count on Delta Dental’s Small Business Program. At Delta Dental, we’ve always been dedicated to providing the very best dental coverage to small businesses, at affordable prices. And, that hasn’t changed, even with health care reform and the Affordable Care Act. In fact, there is no need to disrupt your clients’ dental benefits. Plus, we’ll continue to partner with general agents and brokers like you, with no change in commissions or administration services. Our Small Business Program still offers A wide variety of plan options with benefit flexibility A range of prices and rate stability with group purchasing power… Read More

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