From NAHU.org
One of the biggest concerns NAHU has had with the whole roll out of healthcare.gov is the lack of a reliable and easy path for certified agents and brokers to take their clients through the enrollment process. This week, we may have had delusions or seen a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. First of all, as a result of media and political pressure NAHU and coalition partners have been placing on the Administration, they made a public statement that from this point forward, brokers who place a three-way call with clients to the call center should always be able to receive credit for helping their client.
While CMS has been saying this privately to NAHU for the past six weeks and some agents have had success with this path, especially when they engaged a supervisor, overall the willingness of call center representatives to take agent information from consumers was inconsistent at best. This week, the Administration has gone on the record in the press and in public speeches on multiple occasions saying that they guarantee this is now a valid process for agents to use with their clients.