As most of us are aware, there are many problems with the healthcare.gov website. Today President Obama addressed the concerns and issues. The president suggested a work around for the website issues by calling the 800 number. Click here to read the story on cnn. At least until the bugs can be worked out.
However it is important to point out that anyone who calls the 800 number can not use the free and important services of their independent insurance broker. Brokers are exempt from helping people who enroll over the phone. So if you are going to call the number be prepared to go through the process without help or guidance. The people who answer the 800 number can not help you with technical problems either. They can only take your application over the phone. The same is true with the live chat on the website.
Another important point… unless you qualify for a subsidy, the same plans are generally available “off exchange” at the same price.
Please contact our office at (215)355-2121 if you have any questions, concerns or need any guidance with registering, quoting, comparing or enrolling.
A broker's advice and guidance is valuable. I dont suggest going at it on your own.
Nice to have some intelligent help