woman in blue suit jacket

Understanding the Coding of Health Plans from MEC to Metallic

Choosing the right insurance plan for you (and your family) is not an easy task. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has introduced major changes to the way carriers traditionally marketed their health plans to the public and introduced a volume of new terms, requirements and complexities, many of which may sound confusing to the general public. From terms like “minimum essential coverage” to the various metallic plan categories of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum, a solid foundation of knowledge is essential in order to find the coverage required at an affordable price. The health insurance experts at Total Benefit Solutions Inc are well versed on these terms so when you… Read More

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Independence Blue Cross and Amerihealth: Behind on your health insurance payments?

Please do not assume that your payment is on the way or has been made and that the insurance company will handle it. Our health insurance specialists can assist you with a conference call. Getting reinstated after a cancellation is a long and difficult process and is not always available! If your payments are behind we need to ask for termination suppression BEFORE you are cancelled. First, Please always contact the Billing Department at 215-567-3357 or 1-800-444-6301. When calling, please have your group name, billing account number and address for verification purposes. The Billing Department will not approve an account for termination suppression due to checks mailed, promise to pay… Read More

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Premium Formulary Adoption Swells Among Large Group Clients

The Premium formulary is an option for large group clients wanting access to a formulary that manages traditional, non-specialty drug costs without compromising clinical outcomes. In many cases it saved early adopters nearly 10% per member per month on their plan’s traditional drug spend. Overall, members saved on drug costs without rigorous additional step therapies, prior authorizations, or other invasive utilization management strategies. Members transitioning to the Premium formulary will receive communications about the change, potential disruptions to their drug therapies, and clinically appropriate and cost-effective alternatives. Blue KC will continue to make quarterly updates to the Premium formulary and will send subsequent member communications about those changes and appropriate… Read More

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Independence Blue Cross: Care Cost Estimator

Did you know that you can estimate your out-of-pocket costs before you schedule a doctor’s appointment or medical procedure? You can, with the new Care Cost Estimator tool. It also lets you compare providers by price, based on your specific health plan. The Care Cost Estimator tool will display: Provider details Quality information, such as reviews Your estimated out-of-pocket costs for a wide range of common procedures and office visits Click here to learn how to get started with the Care Cost Estimator. As always, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc health insurance specialists with any questions or concerns at (215)355-2121.

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What is a Qualifying Life Event or QLE?

There are 4 basic types of health insurance qualifying life events. (The following are examples, not a full list.) Loss of health coverage Losing existing health coverage, including job-based, individual, and student plans Losing eligibility for Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP Turning 26 and losing coverage through a parent’s plan Changes in household Getting married or divorced Having a baby or adopting a child Death in the family Changes in residence Moving to a different ZIP code or county A student moving to or from the place they attend school A seasonal worker moving to or from the place they both live and work Moving to or from a shelter or… Read More

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Case Study Library

We present a few case studies to illustrate how we have helped our clients solve their complicated employee benefit challenges. Click here to learn more!

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Aetna: Understanding the Evolution of Primary Care and What it Means for your Workforce

The evolutions of primary care has a great impact on employers and their workforce. As primary care looks to meet current consumer trends, employers and payers must think creatively to support their employees. Virtual, advanced, and multi-disciplinary sites are just the start. As always, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions Inc health insurance specialists with any questions or concerns at (215)355-2121.

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Horizon Grandmothering Extended into 2023 for Pre-ACA Plans

Horizon will once again enable Small Employer group customers that offer health plans that preceded the Affordable Care Act (“pre-ACA plans”) and renew between October 1 and December 31, 2022, to renew within those pre-ACA plans. Because we receive the highest volume of renewals during the fourth quarter, our decision to grandmother pre-ACA plans will ensure a smooth renewal process for our customers. As we near October 1, 2022, Horizon will communicate the details and dates for the renewal process. Until then, click here to learn more. As always, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions Inc health insurance specialists with any questions or concerns at (215)355-2121.

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COVID-19 Vaccines Now Available for Young Children

A recent CDC announcement recommends that children six months through five years of age should get an age-appropriate dose of the Pfizer‑BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Independence covers the cost of administering vaccines and booster shots with no cost-share (such as co-pays, deductibles, coinsurance) for members regardless of where the vaccine is given. For Medicare Advantage members, the cost and administration of the vaccine and booster shots will be covered by Original Medicare so long as the health care provider administering the vaccine participates in the Medicare program. Please click here to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. As always, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions Inc health… Read More

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Horizon BSBSNJ to Withdraw HMO Plans From Individual and Small Employer Markets

Horizon has announced a change to their product portfolio and have elected to withdraw their HMO plans from the Individual and Small Employer Health Benefits Plan (SEH) markets. The New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance (DOBI) has given its approval for Horizon to withdraw its HMO plans from the markets under the authority of N.J.S.A 17B:27A-6 and N.J.A.C. 11:20-18.5 (for Individual plans) and N.J.S.A. 17B:27A–23e and N.J.A.C. 11:21-16 (for small employer plans). This withdrawal will affect Individual members enrolled in the Horizon HMO Gold plan, and group clients and their employees who are enrolled in the Horizon HMO Platinum plan. Brokers with affected small group clients, and those affected… Read More

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Clarification of the Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for Government Entity-Declared Disaster or Other Emergency

The memo clarified that the COVID-19 pandemic does not currently qualify for the SEP for Government Entity-Declared Disaster or Other Emergency (disaster SEP); however, it does qualify for the Exceptional Circumstances SEP. What you need to know: As a result of this guidance, do not submit enrollments for clients impacted by COVID-19 using the disaster SEP. Going forward, any new enrollments submitted for this reason will be declined.

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Health Insurance Broker Change Leads to Better Results

Watch Video The Issue A mid-sized group prospect was unhappy with their current broker and looking for a change. They thought more could be done to help control their employee benefit budget and were looking for guidance. They came to us with a 17% health insurance renewal. Our Solution Our team met with the business owner and Human Resource Director to review the following: The corporate goals and philosophy regarding employee benefits The benefit structure and costs of their present programs Options for cost containment strategies How to integrate wellness into their benefits portfolio Methods for better communication of the benefit programs to employees The Result The customer was pleased… Read More

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Horizon NJ: Covid-19 Resource Guide Update

Horizon has worked to address coverage matters and adjust business practices to help our members and customers during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Many of the accommodations we made are described in the COVID-19 Resource Guide. Recent key updates include the reinstatement of actively at work and waiting period requirements. As always, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions Inc health insurance specialists with any questions or concerns at (215)355-2121.

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Aetna: Transparency in Coverage Rule Update

The Transparency in Coverage rule requires health plans and insurers to disclose pricing information via MRF by July 1, 2022. Health plans must generate two MRFs that contain Negotiated rates for in-network providers Billed charges and allowed amounts paid for out-of-network providers  We’ll publish this information on Aetna.com on July 1, 2022 for fully insured (51-100) and small group Aetna Funding AdvantageSM (2-100) groups. By posting the MRFs for small small group Aetna Funding Advantage clients, we’re taking work off their plate. Aetna will update the files each month and this link will remain active with the most up-to-date information.

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2022 PCOR Fee Filing Reminder for Self-Insured Plans

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) fee filing deadline is August 1, 2022, for all self-funded medical plansand HRAs for plan years ending in 2021. The IRS issued Notice 2022-04 announcing the adjusted fee amount for this year. please download the bulleting below for more details and contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. health insurance specialist at (215)355-2121.

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6 Questions to ask your Benefits Broker

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Oxford/UHC: New Reward Program Encourages Pediatric Covid 19 Vaccinations

COVID-19 vaccines are an important step in helping to lessen the spread of the disease. While many adult New Yorkers have been vaccinated, vaccination rates among children remain relatively low. To encourage pediatric vaccination, we are offering New York-situs subscribers whose dependents are enrolled in a fully insured UnitedHealthcare or Oxford plan a $100 pre-paid Target Gift Card. The New York Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Reward program is in effect May 5, 2022 through October 1, 2022. Criteria for the New York UnitedHealthcare and Oxford Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Reward program Dependent child(ren) must be enrolled on an active subscriber’s New York UnitedHealthcare or Oxford fully insured plan. Dependent must be eligible for the… Read More

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2022 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (“PCORTF”) Fees

  2022 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (“PCORTF”) Fees May 23, 2022     This Allied Update serves as a reminder that the annual Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (“PCORTF”) fees are due by July 31, 2022. By way of background, at the end of 2019, the Federal Government reauthorized the annual payment of fees by health insurers and group health plans into the PCORTF until 2029. (Such payments were previously set to expire for plan years ending on or after October 1, 2018 and before October 1, 2019, and beyond.) The fee is due by July 31 of the calendar year immediately following the last day of the plan year in which… Read More

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Notice Requirements for Group Health Plans

ERISA requires plan administrators to give plan participants in writing the most important facts they need to know about their group health plans, including plan rules, financial information, and documents on the operation and management of the plan. Some of these facts must be provided to participants regularly and automatically by the plan administrator. Others must be made available upon request, free-of-charge or for copying fees.

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Fully Insured vs Level Funding: What’s the Difference?

With fully insured plans, premiums are paid directly to the insurer. Claims accountA claims account is exactly what it sounds like. A portion of the monthly payment is used to pay for claims submitted by plan members. Stop-loss InsuranceStop-loss is an employer’s safety net. This protects the employer against higher-than-expected claims. With level-funding, employers will never have to pay more than the amount they are responsible for funding the claims account each year. After that, stop-loss insurance kicks in. Administrative costsAdministrative services are provided to the employer so they can spend their time focusing on their business while a third-party administrator handles plan management such as paying claims, customer service,… Read More

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Support for your emotional health

Virtual care visits from MDLIVE® IBC members pay $0 cost-share* You have access to care from therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists who can help with concerns likeanxiety, depression, and panic disorders. With telebehavioral health from MDLIVE, you pay $0 costshare* for a confidential visit in the comfort of yourhome, or wherever you are. Choose to have your virtual care visit by video chat, using the MDLIVE website or mobile app, or by phone.

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Proposed Regulations to Fix ACA’s Affordability “Family Glitch”

individuals are not eligible for premium tax credits in the Marketplace

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Independence is covering OTC COVID‑19 test kits through pharmacy benefits

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HHS Extends Public Health Emergency until April 16, 2022

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2021 MLR Rebate Checks Recently Issued to Fully Insured Plans

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