Health Insurance: What Do You Pay for?

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3 Fundamental Life Planning Strategies for the Novice

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American Rescue Plan Act Signed Into Law

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which is the latest bill to address the ongoing economic impacts of COVID-19, has been signed into law. Most aspects of the law do not directly affect the HR function, but those that do—optional extension of sick and family leave and establishment of COBRA subsidies—are outlined below.

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Departments Issue Guidance Re: FFCRA and CARES Act

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New COBRA Subsidy Begins April 1st under COVID Relief

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What is a benefit Third Party Administrator (TPA)?

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Pandemic Aid Package Includes Relief From High Premiums

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COBRA Subsidy in the works

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How to read your Explanation of Benefits EOB

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What is a Direct Primary Care plan?

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What is a minimum essential coverage (MEC) plan?

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What is an urgent care center like?

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What is the NYHCRA Form?

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Aetna Attain: more than discounts, actual rewards

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CMS: New Individual HRA Guidance

As always if you have any questions about this update please reach out to your Total Benefit Solutions Inc account manager at (215)355-212

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What is my Max Out of Pocket?

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Think You’re Covered With Original Medicare?

Medicare in 2020   Everyone has heard of Medicare and over the years, here at Total Benefit Solutions have posted numerous articles explaining how Medicare works. We even wrote out a post about the history of Medicare a little over a year ago (That post can be found here ). However, nothing in the Insurance World stays still and every so often we like to revisit this sector of the Insurance Market and explain how Medicare works with some updates. This way, whether you’re new to Medicare, or you’ve been on it for a while, you are up-to-date on how your Insurance Plan works! Original Medicare (Part A and Part… Read More

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Full Self-Service Compliance Center At No Additional Charge to You!

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Medicare Won’t Cover This Key Expense…

Dental costs can take a huge bite out of seniors’ finances, even if they have Medicare. And many Seniors have to tap into their Retirement Funds to cover treatment.

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The Future of Employee Benefit Offerings: Student Debt Repayment Assistance

When looking for a job, the benefits offered to an Employee are definitely a big factor in consideration of accepting an offer of employment. Most people are willing to choose a company with a slight pay decrease if the benefit package compensates for the lost wages. With unemployment the lowest it has been since 2000 in the United States, attracting new talent isn’t as easy as it used to be and Employers are looking for ways to snatch up qualified applicants. When you think of benefit packages, you usually think of the basics: Health Insurance (with possibly an HSA, HRA, or FSA included), Dental and Vision coverage. “Good” benefit packages… Read More

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Why Offer an HRA to Your Employees?

Healthcare Reimbursement Arrangement, typically referred to as an HRA, can be utilized by employers to reduce their overall healthcare costs without placing additional financial burden on their employees. An HRA allows the employer to pay for eligible expenses with pre-tax dollars. The employer decides what expenses are eligible, within the IRS guidelines, leaving a lot of flexibility in plan design. Typically an HRA is coupled with a High Deductible Health Plan and the HRA pays for either the entire deductible or a portion of the deductible. With this type of a plan the premium savings often outweigh the potential claims that the employer would have to pay if every employee… Read More

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