Video: Our New Online Enrollment System

Watch this short video to get a quick overview of our new employee enrollment system with Ease Central!   As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions account manager at (215)355-2121 if you have any questions about our new enrollment system with Ease Central!

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Video: New Individual Dental & Vision Choices

Click here to shop, compare and enroll!

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Small Businesses May Be Able to Keep Existing Health Coverage Through Calendar Year 2018

Small Businesses May Be Able to Keep Existing Health Coverage Through Calendar Year 2018   A previously extended transitional policy which allows health insurance issuers, at their option, to continue group coverage that would otherwise be terminated or cancelled has been extended further—to policy years beginning on or before October 1, 2018, provided that all policies end by December 31, 2018. Health insurance issuers that renew coverage under the extended policy are required to provide standard notices to affected small businesses for each policy year. Extended Transitional Policy At the option of the states, issuers that have renewed policies under the transitional policy continually since 2014 may be permitted to… Read More

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Trump Issues Executive Order To Curb Some Parts Of ACA.

Trump Issues Executive Order To Curb Some Parts Of ACA. The New York Times  (1/20, Davis, Pear, Subscription Publication) reported that on Friday, President Donald Trump issued an executive order  to government agencies directing them “to scale back as many aspects of the Affordable Care Act as possible, moving within hours of being sworn in to fulfill his pledge to eviscerate Barack Obama’s signature health care law.” According to the Times, the one-page order “has symbolic as well as substantive significance, allowing Mr. Trump to claim he acted immediately to do away with a health care law he has repeatedly called disastrous, even while it remains in place and he… Read More

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Health Reform: 4th Quarter 2016 Compliance Compilation

Download a digest of our fourth quarter compliance bulletins. This digest includes the following bulletins:  Transitional Reinsurance Fee Form Now Available 10/14/2016 Final 2016 Forms 1094-C and 1095-C Available 10/25/2016 November 2017 Cost of Living Adjustments 11/01/2016 Relief Extended for Premium Reimbursement Programs for Student Employees 11/02/2016 Updates Regarding the NJ Small Employer Health Benefits Program 11/07/2016 Election Results and the ACA: Preliminary Thoughts 11/10/2016 16 Extension of Deadline for 2016 Forms 1095-C 11/21/2016 Adjusted PCOR Fee for Fifth Filing Year Released 11/22/2016 December Beware of Phishing Email Disguised as HIPAA Privacy Audit Letter 12/13/2016   Click here to download the 4th quarter compliance compilation

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New Law Exempts Certain Small Employer HRAs From ACA Market Reforms

New Law Exempts Certain Small Employer HRAs From ACA Market Reforms Gaddiel Gonzalez-Brown & Brown Consulting President Obama has signed into law the 21st Century Cures Act, which, among other things, allows small employers to offer new “qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangements” to reimburse employees for qualified medical expenses, including individual health insurance premiums, for years after December 31, 2016. Small employers are defined as those with fewer than 50 full-time equivalent employees who do not offer a group health plan.   Background Under prior agency guidance, stand-alone HRAs (except for retiree-only HRAs and HRAs consisting solely of excepted benefits) and HRAs used to purchase coverage on the individual… Read More

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Health Reform: Cost of Living Adjustments, Individual Penalty, HSA limits & more for 2017

    On October 25 and 27, 2016, the IRS released cost of living adjustments for 2017 under various provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code). Some of these adjustments may affect your employee benefit plans. These adjustments include but are not limited to the following: Cafeteria Plans Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits Requirement To Maintain Minimum Essential Coverage (Individual Penalty) Highly Compensated Non-Grandfathered Plan Cost-Sharing Limits H.S.A. Annual contribution limitation, catch up contribution and minimum deductibles Key Employee   Click here to download the bulletin   As always if you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact your dedicated Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. account manager at (215)355-2121.

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Health Reform: IRS Extends Due Date for Furnishing Form 1095-B/C.

IRS Extends Due Date for Furnishing Form 1095-B/C. As applicable large employers and employers with self-funded health plans are working on their Affordable Care Act compliance preparations, the IRS announced an extension of a key ACA deadline. Notice 2016-70 extends the due date for furnishing Form 1095-B and Form 1095-C from January 31, 2017 to March 2, 2017.  The Notice also extends transition relief from penalties if an employer makes a “good faith effort” to comply with reporting requirements. This relief is welcome news for employers who are still working on their compliance approach. A copy of the notice can be downloaded here.

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Election Results and the ACA

With the outcome of the 2016 elections now official, the Republicans will hold the majority in both chambers of Congress and control of the White House beginning in 2017. Since President-elect Trump ran on a platform of “Replace and Repeal” of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), we anticipate that acting on this campaign promise will be one of the top priorities of the new Trump administration. We anticipate there will be significant disruption for individuals, employers, brokers and carriers across the country. Click here to read the latest bulletin

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IBC: Plans to remove exclusions for gender reassignment surgery coverage

  In a July Independence Edge article, we shared that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) had issued a final rule for the nondiscrimination provision (section 1557) of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). While the nondiscrimination provision itself is not new, the final rule provides expanded clarity on coverage for gender reassignment surgery and related services. In addition, it provides guidance on treating individuals consistent with their gender identity, and not denying or limiting health services usually only available to individuals of one gender. Beginning with renewals on or after January 1, 2017, the exclusion for gender reassignment surgery has been removed from all commercial plans. Members… Read More

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HHS Penalties Increase

  On September 6, 2016, the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) issued an interim final regulation that adjusts civil penalties for inflation. The interim final regulation does not follow the usual procedures that offer a notice and comment period. As such, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking has not been issued and a comment period is not provided due to potential delay in the applicability of the regulation. Click to download this bulletin For more information please contact your Total Benefit Solutions account manager at (215)355-2121

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HR 360:Most Common Summary Plan Description (SPD) Mistakes

One of the most important documents participants must receive automatically when becoming covered under a health benefit plan that is subject to ERISA (the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act) is a summary of the plan, called the Summary Plan Description or SPD. The fact is, many employers are confused about this very important ERISA-required disclosure, which can put them at risk. Click this link to download the publication

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Total Benefits & Healthiest You

Healthiest You is more than a typical Teledoc benefit. Whenever members have questions or they are simply not feeling well, they can effortlessly connect to a 24×7 telehealth hotline for the diagnosis and treatment of illness, second opinions and consultations. They have board-certified, licensed physicians in every state waiting to provide exceptional care. They can even prescribe medication and save a trip to the doctor’s office, whether members are at home or on the road. Want more information? Click here to see the site.  

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Critically Important: Insurance for Serious Illness

Good news: You’ve got health insurance (at least, all Americans are required to or pay a penalty). Bad news: It doesn’t cover everything. Especially if something really bad happens, like a heart attack or stroke. Yes, a decent major medical plan will cover many of the health-related expenses related to a serious illness. But you’d likely still be left with significant out-of-pocket costs for deductibles and copayments. Medical insurance also doesn’t usually cover other related costs, such as travel to treatment centers, child care during absences or recovery, home modifications or rehabilitation charges. And if you lose income while you’re unable to work, you could have a tough time paying… Read More

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Limited Benefit Medical Plans

Why Consider a Limited Benefit Medical Plan? When it comes to medical benefits, employers used to face two choices — comprehensive employer-paid medical plans or no insurance at all. However, with the inception of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the option not to offer medical insurance no longer exists for some employers. Limited benefit medical plans can be powerful tools for recruiting and retaining employees in situations where traditional medical benefits are not offered or affordable. These plans can also be useful in increasing productivity through reduced absenteeism due to illness, improving employee morale and as a means to provide the level of coverage required by law.… Read More

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Reminder: PCORI Fees Due August 1

The annual Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (PCORI) fee is due to the IRS August 1, 2016. The fee, charged to certain health insurance policies, is used to support the activities of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, a nonprofit, non-governmental organization (NGO) established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Fully- and self-insured group health plans ( Including HRA’s) are subject to PCORI fees.  A health insurer will pay the fee on behalf of the employer if the plan is fully insured. Click here to read the bulletin from Primepay As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions dedicated account manager at (215)355-2121 if you have any further questions or concerns.

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Paylocity:4 Ways the New Overtime Rules Could Affect Employee Benefit Plans

New rules about who is exempt from overtime and who must earn it will be a jolt for many companies around the nation. However, the cost and implications won’t be limited to how employees are paid. “Much of the attention is focused on the impact on employees’ wages,” Jaqueline Breslin writes forBenefitsPro. “But, these changes will also have a huge influence on employee benefits policies as employers decide on their approaches to stay compliant with the new regulations.” Click here for the full story.

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Total Benefit Solutions: New Starmark Self Insured Plans for Small Groups

Total Benefit Solutions is proud to announce that we are now appointed with Starmark to provide affordable and predictable self insured medical plans to small businesses. Starmark® administers self-funded health benefit plans exclusively for smaller businesses nationwide. Employers choose from extensive plan design choices to create a self-funded health plan to meet their unique needs and budget, while stop-loss insurance from Trustmark Life Insurance Company provides protection against large covered claims. Click Here To View A Client Testimonial Click here for more information and to watch a short video about these products and how your organization might benefit from a self insured plan.

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IBC Breaking News: Changes to SEP On-Exchange Verification Process

Changes to SEP On-Exchange Verification Process Starting June 17th, 2016 individuals enrolling in coverage through a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) on the Marketplace will need to provide specific documents to verify eligibility for certain SEPs, including: Loss of minimum essential coverage Change in primary place of living Birth Marriage Adoption, placement for adoption, placement for foster care, or child support or other court order Individuals who apply for these SEPs will be sent an Eligibility Notice for 2016 Coverage by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. To confirm eligibility and avoid a disruption of coverage, individuals must provide the required documents for each SEP by the deadline indicated within… Read More

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The PCOR filing deadline is August 1, 2016 for all self-funded medical plans and HRAs for plan years ending in 2015…

The PCOR filing deadline is August 1, 2016 for all self-funded medical plans and HRAs for plan years ending in 2015. The IRS has also issued FAQs that address how the PCOR fee works with a self-insured health plan on a short plan year.  Please note that for those with an HRA plan, and HRA is ” self insurance” and you are required to file and pay the PCOR fee. Please download the document below for more details and links to specific resources. Download PCOR Fee Filing Reminder for Self-Insured Plans

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Departments issue new ACA FAQ’s

The Departments of Labor, the Treasury, and Health and Human Services (collectively, the “Departments”) have issued the 31st set of Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) frequently asked questions (“FAQs”). This time, the Departments address a wide range of topics including preventive services, disclosure obligations, coverage in connection with approved clinical trials, reference-based pricing, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, and the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act. Below is a brief summary of the guidance issued on these topics. Click the link below to download the bulletin.   Download Departments Issue 31st set of FAQs

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2017 Inflation Adjusted Amounts for HSAs

The IRS released the inflation adjustments for health savings accounts (HSAs) and their accompanying high deductible health plans (HDHPs) effective for calendar year 2017.  Most limits remained the same as 2016 amounts. Click the link below to download the bulletin. 2017 Inflation Adjusted Amounts for HSAs

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Health Care Reform: 8 things the IRS wants small employers to know about the health care tax credit

  The Affordable Care Act’s small business health care tax credit is designed to encourage small employers to offer health insurance coverage to their employees. Click the link below to download the whitepaper 8 things the IRS wants small employers to know about this credit: 8 Things to Know About the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit For more information about the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager at (215)355-2121 or visit your ThinkHR library at and log in.     Watch a video below about the Small Business Healthcare Tax Credit

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Form 1095-C Notification Reminder and Frequently Asked Questions

Form 1095-C Notification Reminder and Frequently Asked Questions 2015 Forms 1095-C must be furnished to individuals by March 31, 2016. Generally, if Forms 1094-C and/or 1095-C are incorrect and incomplete, a penalty may apply if not corrected by the due date and the employer cannot show reasonable cause. Briefly, the amount of penalties can range from $50/form with a $500,000 maximum penalty/year to $250/form with a maximum penalty of $3M/year. Click here to download Form 1095-C Notification Reminder and Frequently Asked Questions – 031516R As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. account manager at (215)355-2121 if you have any questions or concerns about this bulletin, or any other… Read More

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GAO Report: PPACA- CMS Should Act to Strengthen Enrollment Controls and Manage Fraud Risk

During undercover testing, the federal Marketplace approved subsidized coverage under the act for 11 of 12 fictitious GAO phone or online applicants for 2014. The GAO applicants obtained a total of about $30,000 in annual advance premium tax credits, plus eligibility for lower costs at time of service. The fictitious enrollees maintained subsidized coverage throughout 2014, even though GAO sent fictitious documents, or no documents, to resolve application inconsistencies   Click here for the highlight sheet Click here for the full report

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