Introducing the AFLAC Individual Dental Plans

  Introducing AFLAC Individual Dental     Ask us today for more informtion on an AFLAC Individual Dental plan. Just call our office at (215)355-2121 and a dedicated member of our client service team will be happy to answer your questions or send you detailed benefit information.

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New Guidance on Cost Sharing Limits under Health Care Reform

The three agencies responsible for the implementation of health care reform (Treasury, Health and Human Services, and Labor) released a joint set of Frequently Asked Questions on cost sharing limits. Health care reform places a limit on the dollar amount of out-of-pocket expenses that a participant may be charged in a year. In 2014, that limit is $6,350 for self-only coverage and $12,700 for other coverage. In 2015, the limit increases to $6,600 for self-only coverage and $13,200 for other coverage. The guidance clarifies that if an out-of-network provider charges an amount greater than the amount allowed by the plan (i.e., balance bills the amount above the usual and customary… Read More

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What is Hospital Indemnity?

Hospital Indemnity Plans as a “wrap” Many clients have asked how they can supplement their employees coverage when they get enrolled through the affordable care act marketplace. Employers are permitted to offer wrap plans that consist of “excepted benefits”. A group Hospital Indemnity plan can fit the bill and provide a comprehensive financial support plan for a family dealing with a medical crisis. It also allows the employee to make a more prudent health plan selection by giving them coverage for any large deductibles, co-pays or cost sharing scenarios. Hospital Indemnity plans are available to individuals too. Download more information on Shelterpoint’s Hospital Indemnity plan   Below is a… Read More

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IRS Logo

IRS Highlights Stiff Penalty for Reimbursing Individual Premiums

From Health Care Reform Digest: Since the IRS and Treasury published Notice 2013-54 in September 2013, pre-tax employer reimbursement of an employee’s individual health insurance premiums has been a hot topic of conversation.  Historically, many employers have provided this type of benefit in lieu of offering a group health plan – a strategy that now needs to be reevaluated as a result of regulations implementing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).   Q1.  What are the consequences to the employer if the employer does not establish a health insurance plan for its own employees, but reimburses those employees for premiums they pay for health insurance (either through a qualified health… Read More

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Prepared by Vince Phillips, PAHU Lobbyist May 22, 2014 On May 20, 2014, Federal Judge John Jones III issued a landmark ruling in Whitewood et al vs. Michael Wolf (Commonwealth of PA) that struck down Pennsylvania’s 1996 Marriage Law specifying that a marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. The ruling also forced PA to recognize same-sex marriages conducted in other states. On May 21, Governor Corbett said that although as a Catholic, he disagreed with the ruling, he would not appeal it. The ruling is effective immediately but an unanswered question is effective date for employer-offered health plans. Is it now? Is it a month… Read More

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Comparative Effectiveness Fee Reminder

The Comparative Effectiveness Research Fee is now known as the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Fee. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Act) imposes a new Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee, formerly the comparative effectiveness research fee, on plan sponsors and issuers of individual and group policies. The first year of the fee is $1 per covered life per year, the second year the fee adjusts to $2 per covered life and then it’s indexed to national health expenditures thereafter until it ends in 2019. Click here to download this bulleting regarding the timely payment of the fees.   Purpose of the Fee The assessed fees are to… Read More

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19th Set of FAQ’s Released on Affordable Care Act

Frequently asked questions (“FAQs”), prepared jointly by the Departments of Labor (“DOL”), Health and Human Services (“HHS”), and the Treasury (collectively, the “Departments”),were issued with respect to various Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) requirements, including their effect on COBRA and CHIPRA notices…Topics Include:   Updated COBRA And CHIPRA Notices Out-Of-Pocket Maximum Requirements Generic Drugs Balance Billing Reference-Based Pricing Coverage Of Preventive Services Health FSA Carryover And Excepted Benefits Effect of Carryover on Excepted Benefits Determination Summary Of Benefits And Coverage   Click here to download the bulletin from our partners at Emerson Reid.  

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Nuts and Bolts of the Small Employer Tax Credit

This presentation is intended to convey general information about the employer health care tax credit under the affordable care act and is not an exhaustive analysis. Information contained in this presentation may change as guidance develops. Total Benefit Solutions inc and  Emerson Reid do not provide legal or tax advice. For advice specific to your situation, please consult an attorney or other professional.   Click here to download “nuts and bolts” Download Small Business Health Care Tax Credit FAQ’sFAQs

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Calculator May Help Small Businesses Determine SHOP Eligibility

Calculator May Help Small Businesses Determine SHOP Eligibility   The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has developed a Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Employee Calculator to help small employers determine whether they qualify for the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP).   Background SHOP is available as an option for qualified small employers to purchase employee health coverage. The federal government is running the program in states that chose not to operate their own SHOP Marketplace (Exchange). For 2014, employers are generally eligible to purchase health coverage through the federally-facilitated SHOP Marketplace if they have 50 or fewer full-time equivalent employees (FTEs), including part-time employees. (For example, 2 part-time employees… Read More

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Aetna: Important updates to our Pennsylvania Small Group eligibility guidelines

This briefing is applicable to all brokers writing Pennsylvania based employers We have updated our eligibility guidelines as it relates to sole proprietors, owners, partners, W-2 employees and husband / wife groups for 2014. These updates have been made to maintain compliance with state and federal requirements. Please review the updates we have outlined below. We thank you for your continued collaboration. The following applies to Small Group Pennsylvania new business and renewals: The definition of an employer is now one W-2 common law employee. This accommodates an owner with at least one “enrolling” W-2 common law employee who is not a spouse and not an owner. Sole proprietors, owners… Read More

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IBC: Special Care program ending

As you may already know, the Independence Blue Cross Special Care SM* health care plan will terminate on June 30, 2014. Because the Special Care plan is ending, the individuals who are currently enrolled in this plan will be eligible for a special enrollment period to sign up for a plan that is compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Special Care members qualify for a special enrollment period All Special Care members will be eligible for a special enrollment period , which will allow them to enroll in an individual or family health plan. Members will have from May 1 to August 29, 2014 to enroll in a health plan… Read More

Continue Reading Users Prompted To Change Passwords Because Of Heartbleed Risk.

The CBS Evening News (4/20, story 8, 1:55, Glor) reported Sunday night that “visitors to the to Affordable Care website are being advised to take steps to protect themselves” from Heartbleed, the online security flaw. Mark Albert reported over the weekend, made the move to “reset everyone’s account password.” Saturday evening, the NBC Nightly News (4/19, story 7, 0:25, Holt) reported that people “with accounts on are being told to change their passwords after review found that the website was vulnerable to the security breach bug.” The Hill (4/19, Wilson) “Hillicon Valley” blog reported that the call to change log in information for the site were “out of… Read More

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Health Reform: Find out if You Qualify for a Health Insurance Coverage Exemption

The Affordable Care Act calls for individuals to have qualifying health insurance coverage for each month of the year, have an exemption, or make a shared responsibility payment when filing his or her federal income tax return.   You may be exempt from the requirement to maintain qualifying health insurance coverage, called minimum essential coverage, and may not have to make a shared responsibility payment when you file your next federal income tax return. You may be exempt if you: Have no affordable coverage options because the minimum amount you must pay for the annual premiums is more than eight percent of your household income, Have a gap in coverage… Read More

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COMPLIANCE NOTICE: Individual Health Plans as Employee Benefits Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

COMPLIANCE NOTICE: Individual Health Plans as Employee Benefits Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Released on September 13, 2013, IRS Notice 2013-54 addresses the viability of individual health insurance plans as a tax-advantaged employee benefit under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Unfortunately, the news was not good for employers wanting to offer such plans to their employees: the IRS determined that such plans are prohibited under the ACA. PLEASE CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THE RELEASE FROM AMERIFLEX…   COMPLIANCE_ Individual Health Plans as Employee Benefits Under the Affordable Care Act

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Health Reform: Law Repeals Deductible Limits for Small Group Plans

The Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014, legislation extending the “doc fix” for Medicare payments, also includes a provision that repeals the maximum deductible limits applicable to many small group health plans. As you recall, deductible limits for non-grandfathered small group plans are capped under the ACA at $2,000 for single coverage and $4,000 for family coverage effective for the first plan year on or after January 1, 2014. This legislation repeals the deductible limits as of the date health care reform was enacted (March 23, 2010). Click here to download the bulletin

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Ed MacConnell earns Voluntary Benefits Certification

We are pleased to announce that Edward T MacConnell, President of Total Benefit Solutions has earned the certification of Certified Voluntary Worksite Professional from the National Association of Health Underwriters. Voluntary/Worksite products are not new to the employee benefit industry. However, the surge of interest in these products has accelerated as employers seek ways to help attract and retain talent. The industry has responded swiftly with new products, new features, new enrollment technologies and many changes to the underwriting rules of these products. This has created new responsibilities for agents, brokers and consultants as advising clients in this area will differentiate their value to the consumers they serve. Certified Voluntary Worksite… Read More

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HR4302 Bill Passes: Repeals limitation on deductibles for employer-sponsored health plans

On March 31, 2014 President Obama signed into law Bill HR4302 – Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014, sometimes called the “Doc Fix” bill. While the primary purpose of this bill was to prevent the automatic cuts to physician Medicare payments, this bill also included a significant modification to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This bill included a section that ends the limitations on deductibles that were set at $2,000/individual and $4,000/family within the ACA on small group employer sponsored health plans, and made the effective date retroactive to the original enactment of the ACA. The act states: SEC. 213. ELIMINATION OF LIMITATION ON DEDUCTIBLES FOR EMPLOYER-SPONSORED HEALTH PLANS.… Read More

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HHS to Extend Marketplace Enrollment Deadline

The Washington Post has reported that HHS has released regulations extending the Marketplace open enrollment deadline to around mid-April for individuals who began, but did not complete, a Marketplace application. The extension appears to be based on a self-certification (honor) system, in which individuals attest that they could not timely complete the Marketplace application before the March 31 deadline. This extension may have an impact on employer-sponsored plans to the extent individuals have more time to elect Marketplace benefits and therefore may decline employer-sponsored coverage at the next OE. Keep in mind that IRS cafeteria plan rules currently do not recognize enrollment in a Marketplace plan as a qualified status… Read More

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My Experience with Obamacare: A Freelancer Applies for Health Insurance

Our friends at Zane Benefits recently shared this comic and I enjoyed it so much I thought you might like it too: Click here to see the rest of the comic on                                                                         Click here to see the rest of the comic on

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Affordable Care Act: Open Enrollment ENDS at 11:59PM EST on March 31, 2014

Open Enrollment ENDS 11:59PM EST on March 31, 2014 · 2014 Penalty is $95 or 1% of your income, whichever is GREATER · A single person making between $11,490 and $45,960 will receive a subsidy to help you purchase insurance · NO one can be turned down · NO health questions · You can enroll on the and do everything yourself or a licensed independent broker, like Total Benefit Solutions Inc. can assist you with choosing a plan that is PERFECT for YOU, on the marketplace or off. Independent brokers are licensed, certified and insured. A Broker is also FREE & CONFIDENTIAL! Call us before the end of open enrollment 1(800)924-6718  

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Healtcare Reform Law

Small Business Health Care Tax Credit FAQs

Small employers that pay at least half of the premiums for employee health insurance coverage under a qualifying arrangement may be eligible for the small business health care tax credit. The credit is specifically targeted to small businesses and tax-exempt organizations that primarily employ 25 or fewer workers with average income of $50,000 or less ($50,800 for calendar year 2014). To be eligible, you must cover at least 50 percent of the cost of single (not family) health care coverage for each of your employees. You must also have fewer than 25 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs). Those employees must have average wages of less than $50,000 (as adjusted for inflation… Read More

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The Truth Agents/Brokers & FFM Navigators The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Truth Agents/Brokers & FFM Navigators The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Shared with permission from B. Ronnell Nolan, HIA, CHRS-President/CEO – HAFA Financial Media Group, LLC, Centennial, CO, compiles this information annually. There are approximately 1.2 million licensed insurance agents nationally. The 1.2 million does not include the staff of licensed agents employed throughout the United States. After adding the staff, imagine the millions of people that Agents represent, educate and protect on a daily basis! With the passing of the ACA, Health Agents for America, Inc. was formed to create a tool box for Agents to use in educating the citizens of their local communities. HAFA is known to… Read More

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Health Reform: Regulations Issued on Waiting Periods

For plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014, a group health plan and an insurance carrier offering group health insurance coverage may not apply any waiting period that exceeds 90 days. This rule applies to both grandfathered and non-grandfathered plans. It should be noted that nothing in the Affordable Care Act requires a group health plan or carrier to have a waiting period  Click here to download the bulletin

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IBC: July 1 rate increase for individual medically underwritten plans

IBC: We want to let you know that the monthly rates for our individual medically underwritten plans will increase in July 2014. We are notifying members muchearlier than is required to give them the opportunity to enroll in a plan that is compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The reason for the rate increase. We understand that it can be difficult to afford quality health insurance coverage. While we continue to work hard to keep costs down, the cost of health care continues to rise along with our member utilization. This is why it’s necessary for Independence Blue Cross (IBC) to implement an 11.5 percent rate increase. Click the link below to read… Read More

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Total Benefit Solutions Makes Enrolling Easier

In an effort to meet the enrollment challenges that many are facing under healthcare reform,  Total Benefit Solutions Inc has designed a custom form for our clients to use. Using this form and submitting it to Total Benefit Solutions Inc  will enable our Marketplace trained and certified licensed independent brokers to assist you in the enrollment process from the registration right through the enrollment! Remember as your independent broker we always work in your best interests,  not an insurance company. We represent you, our client and not an insurer or government agency. Click the link below to open the form and get started!  When completed, just click the link to… Read More

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