GAO Report: PPACA- CMS Should Act to Strengthen Enrollment Controls and Manage Fraud Risk

During undercover testing, the federal Marketplace approved subsidized coverage under the act for 11 of 12 fictitious GAO phone or online applicants for 2014. The GAO applicants obtained a total of about $30,000 in annual advance premium tax credits, plus eligibility for lower costs at time of service. The fictitious enrollees maintained subsidized coverage throughout 2014, even though GAO sent fictitious documents, or no documents, to resolve application inconsistencies   Click here for the highlight sheet Click here for the full report

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2016 Federal Poverty Guidelines Updated

Large employers may be subject to the employer penalty under the Affordable Care Act if they do not offer affordable, minimum value coverage to all full-time employees and at least one full-time employee receives a subsidy in the Exchange. The Federal Poverty Line (“FPL”) is relevant to this penalty in two ways. Please click the link below to download the bulletin with he new guidelines. 2016 Federal Poverty Guidelines If you have any additional questions regarding this bulletin, or the Affordable Care Act please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager at (215)355-2121.

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How do I appeal a Marketplace decision?

  You can request an appeal of any Marketplace decision, including decisions about Your eligibility to buy coverage in the Marketplace Your eligibility for, or the amount of, premium tax credits or cost sharing reductions Your eligibility for an exemption from the penalty for not having health insurance Untimely (late) notice from the Marketplace about a decision To make your appeal, start by reviewing the Marketplace’s decision. You will have received the decision (called a determination notice) online if you initially applied online, or in the mail if you submitted a paper application. So far, in the federal Marketplace, the notice will not provide much detail to explain the reasons… Read More

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New Guidance Tackles Employer Mandate Issues

  A number of Employer Mandate updates are included in this bulletin. Please click on the link to download this important update. As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager if you have any questions or concerns regarding this release at (215)355-2121. Download Update:Employer Mandate Issues 2016                

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2015 Compliance Compilation

The attached resource file is a compilation of all of our compliance bulletins for 2015 provided by our business partners at Emerson Reid and your benefits support team. Click the link below to download the entire 2015 compilation: 2015 Compliance Compilation    

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New Qualified Transit and Parking Guidance

  The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (the “Act”) permanently changed the pre-tax transit benefits to be at parity with parking benefits. As a result, the Act retroactively increased the 2015 transit benefits from $130 to $250. For 2016, the transit and parking pre-tax benefits are $255. Click the link below to read the entire bulletin. New Qualified Transit and Parking Guidance – 012216R

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IRS Extends Employers’ and Insurers’ Reporting Deadlines Under the ACA

IRS Extends Employers’ and Insurers’ Reporting Deadlines Under the ACA   On December 28, the U.S. Treasury and Internal Revenue Service announced a limited extension of the early 2016 due dates for the 2015 information reporting requirements for employers and insurers under the ACA. This is the first year that employers and insurers are required to report certain information about health coverage to employees, other individuals to the IRS. Specifically, employers will have two additional months beyond the February 1 due date to provide individuals forms for reporting on offers of health coverage and the coverage provided. The deadlines to report this information to the IRS are extended by three… Read More

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Small Group Definition Changes Per the PACE Act

On Wednesday, October 7, 2015, President Obama signed into law H.R. 1624, the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees (PACE) Act, legislation that will give states the ability to define the size of a small group for health insurance purposes. The law repeals the mandated small group expansion of groups of up to 50 employees to groups of up to 100 employees that was to go into effect on January 1, 2016. This law gives states the flexibility to determine the size of their small group market instead of being forced into the national standard. No action is needed if states want to retain their respective definition. There is no announcement… Read More

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Health Reform: Adjusted Amount for the PCORI fee for HRA Clients and Self Insured Groups

  The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released new guidance adjusting the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee. Under the notice, the adjusted applicable dollar amount is $2.17 for plan years ending on or before October 1, 2015 and before October 1, 2016. For additional information, please see Notice 2016-60

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Health Reform: PACE Act halts small group expansion

In what only be called good news for employers with 50-99 employees, On October 7, 2015, the President signed into law bipartisan legislation, the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees (“PACE”) Act, which maintains the “50 or fewer” definition of a small employer. The PACE Act contains language that permits a state to use the expanded small group definition (employers with 100 or fewer employees). At this point, it is unclear whether states will retain the “50 or fewer” definition or opt to expand the small group market. Click here to view The PACE Act Halts Small Group Expansion Bulletin As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions account manager at (215)355-2121… Read More

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Employees on Leave May be Full Time for Penalty Purposes

  Informal guidance has been released regarding calculating employees for penalty purposes as full time. Please click the link below to download the bulletin. Download Employees on Leave May be Full-time Employees for Employer Penalty Purposes – 100115R   As always, if you have questions regarding this bulletin, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. account manager at (215)355-2121.

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Total Benefit Solutions Introduces the All Check Compliance Tool!

Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. in partnership with Benefit Mall introduces All Check! Want to know how to easily calculate your FTE’s ( Full Time Equivilents)? Not sure if you need to provide the Notice of Exchange? Unsure about your Health Care Tax Credit Eligibilty? Want to get an idea what your overall ACA compliance obligations might be? Let Total Benefit Solutions and All Check do the work. How? It;s simple. Download the input sheet, complete and return to your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager and we will crunch the numbers and send you a customized report just like the sample! Click Here to Download The Input Sheet Sample_ComplianceReport.2147.21136.20150903  … Read More

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Health Reform: ACA Compliance Partnership

Total Benefit Solutions has partnered with industry leaders such as PrimePay to provide ACA Compliance tools to our valued clients. To learn more about this new ACA Compliance tool, please download the bulletin below and contact your Total Benefit Solutions dedicated account manager  at (215)355-2121 today! Click to Download

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Health Reform: Draft 2015 Form 1095-C and Instructions, Increased Penalties, and Electronic Filing Steps Issued

  On August 7, 2015, the IRS issued revised draft 2015 Form 1095-C with instructions. The forms and instructions are substantially the same as those applicable to the 2014 year, but the penalties have been revised. Click here to download this important update for all applicable large employers. As always if you have any questions or concerns about your organization’s health care reform compliance, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager at (215)355-2121

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Video: Are you eligible for a special enrollment period?

You might think that you have to wait for the annual open enrollment period to get enrolled. Think again! You may be eligible for a special enrollment period. Watch this short video to learn more, and then call us at  (215)355-2121!    

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EBN: Small Employers look to Alternative Funding Solutions

In the wake of the health care reform, alternative funding solutions for health benefits continue to gain traction among small to mid-size groups. Pending changes to small group rules in January 2016 are driving demand for the funding solutions. Most prominently, groups with 50-100 employees will be subject to community rating legislation that governs how rates are developed and the type of coverage offered. Most states are also changing the definition of employee to the federal full-time employee definition, broadening the scope to include union employees that may have been excluded under previous small employer definitions. Here’s how the new rules will affect small to midsize groups, including potential financial impact, solutions available to mitigate… Read More

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IRS Webinar Series Offered on ACA Provisions

  The IRS is hosting a series of educational webinars to help you understand the Affordable Care Act’s employer provisions and related requirements. The IRS designed these webinars for business owners, tax managers, employee benefits managers, and health coverage providers.   Employer Shared Responsibility and Information Reporting Learn about the ACA’s employer shared responsibility provisions and information reporting requirements for employers and providers of minimum essential coverage. August 20, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. September 16, 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage Information Reporting Requirements for Applicable Large Employers Learn about employer-sponsored health coverage information reporting requirements for applicable large employers, including who is required to report, what information the… Read More

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Should an Employer with 51-100 Full-time Employees Change Its Policy Year to Delay Compliance with Certain ACA Provisions?

Employers may be able to change their policy, not plan, year to delay compliance with some of the provision in the Affordable Care Act. Should you have any questions, please contact your Total Benefit Solutions Account Manager directly at (215)355-2121. Please click the link below to download this bulletin. Changing_Policy_Year_to_Delay_Compliance_-_072915E1    

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Health Care Reform: Taxes and Fees-PCORI Fee, Transitional Reinsurance Fee, Insurer Fee and Excise Tax

Health Care Reform: Taxes and Fees-PCORI Fee, Transitional Reinsurance Fee, Insurer Fee and Excise Tax   From United Healthcare: Taxes and fees under the health reform law impact both fully insured and self-funded plans. But, they impact funding types differently. Employers with self-funded health plans submit applicable health reform fees directly to the government, and those with fully insured health plans will see fees prorated into their premiums. The fees are prorated over 12 months. Here is what you need to know about these fees and how they will impact your business. Please note that this document, provided by United Healthcare, has carrier specific language, however please contact your Total Benefit… Read More

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Aetna: TV Commercial “Aetna works for my life”

    Enjoy the latest TV Commercial from Aetna. Remember, Aetna is just one of the many insurers that  Total Benefit Solutions works with, on the marketplace, on the private market, in the senior market and also small groups. Call us at (215)355-2121 to see if Aetna has a plan that’s a good fit for you.  

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Who can use the SHOP Marketplace?

What is the SHOP? The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace helps small businesses provide health coverage to their employees. The SHOP Marketplace is open to employers with 50 or fewer full-time equivalent employees (FTEs), including non-profit organizations. You can enroll in SHOP at any point throughout the year. Click the link below to download a handy “who can” to see if your business or organization can use or benefit from the SHOP. As always please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager at (215)355-2121 if you have any questions about the SHOP or any Affordable Care Act concerns. Click here to download “WHO CAN USE THE SHOP”

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Fraud, Waste & Abuse-Did You Know?

Fraud, Waste & Abuse: did you know? As a nation, we spend over $2.7 trillion on healthcare every year, and it is estimated that tens of billions are lost each year to FWA.  One recent study estimated that fraud and abuse added as much as $98 billion to annual spending on Medicare and Medicaid. It affects not only the cost but quality of care received. Combating healthcare fraud in Medicare and Medicaid is an important priority for the Federal Government. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Federal agency responsible for administering these programs, takes its role in leading anti-fraud efforts very seriously and has issued strict requirements… Read More

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Health reform: CMS releases SHOP HOW-TO video for employees

 CMS releases SHOP video for employees   The SHOP enrollment for employees video has been posted by CMS. Please keep in mind that the employer group needs to be set up on the SHOP first. Please contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager if you have any questions about setting your organization up as a SHOP employer. Total Benefit Solutions, Inc is a certified SHOP independent broker. Click the video below to watch the video.      

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Download our Mid-Year Compliance Bulletin Compilation

Our Mid-year Compliance Bulletin Compilation is now available, featuring all of our released compliance bulletins for January through June. This document acts a resource for you to have all of the latest health reform information and updates in one place. You can click on a bulletin title in the table of contents and it will bring directly to the corresponding page. Click the link below to download the document.   2015_Compliance_Compilation_mid_year

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IBC Updated List of Proactive Hospitals

Download the document to get the latest list of Keystone Proactive hospitals and their tier assignment. The document also has a link to the most up to date IBC list online. Download the 2015 Keystone Proactive Hospital List

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