
Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. in partnership with Benefit Mall introduces All Check!
Want to know how to easily calculate your FTE’s ( Full Time Equivilents)?
Not sure if you need to provide the Notice of Exchange?
Unsure about your Health Care Tax Credit Eligibilty?
Want to get an idea what your overall ACA compliance obligations might be?

Let Total Benefit Solutions and All Check do the work. How? It;s simple. Download the input sheet, complete and return to your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager and we will crunch the numbers and send you a customized report just like the sample!

Click Here to Download The Input Sheet



This law is new and constantly evolving. We (and everyone else) are still processing the thousands of complex provisions. The calculations here will change based upon your input, and is meant to be an educational tool for you to use in understanding how healthcare reform may impact your business. We recommend you work closely with your BenefitMall broker and local counsel to receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.