The PCOR filing deadline is August 1, 2016 for all self-funded medical plans and HRAs for plan years ending in 2015…

The PCOR filing deadline is August 1, 2016 for all self-funded medical plans and HRAs for plan years ending in 2015. The IRS has also issued FAQs that address how the PCOR fee works with a self-insured health plan on a short plan year.  Please note that for those with an HRA plan, and HRA is ” self insurance” and you are required to file and pay the PCOR fee. Please download the document below for more details and links to specific resources. Download PCOR Fee Filing Reminder for Self-Insured Plans

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New ACA Delays/Extensions/Eliminations Chart–Download Free

With so many different ACA provisions, HR360’s simple new chart provides you and your clients with a clear understanding of the key requirements that have been delayed, extended, or eliminated under the Affordable Care Act.  Our business partner, HR360’s simple chart features important ACA delays, extensions, and eliminations, including: Eliminated automatic enrollment provisions Delay of the “Cadillac” tax Extension of information reporting deadlines Download ACA_Delays_Extensions_and_Eliminations

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Departments issue new ACA FAQ’s

The Departments of Labor, the Treasury, and Health and Human Services (collectively, the “Departments”) have issued the 31st set of Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) frequently asked questions (“FAQs”). This time, the Departments address a wide range of topics including preventive services, disclosure obligations, coverage in connection with approved clinical trials, reference-based pricing, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, and the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act. Below is a brief summary of the guidance issued on these topics. Click the link below to download the bulletin.   Download Departments Issue 31st set of FAQs

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Checking Your Employee Handbook for Benefit Provisions

Handbooks are important for many reasons such as informing employees of their rights and duties, communicating available resources, and outlining paid time off policies. With respect to health and welfare benefits, here are a few things to consider:   Download Checking Your Employee Handbook for Benefit Provisions

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Employers: Tell Congress to Oppose Eliminating or Capping the Employer Exclusion

NAHU (The National Association of Health Underwriters)  is very concerned about current proposals in Congress that would undermine the employer-sponsored health insurance system by eliminating or placing a cap on the employer tax exclusion for health insurance. Eliminating the exclusion would also eliminate most of the advantages of employer-sponsored insurance while capping it would degrade the benefit and serve as a tax increase for middle-class Americans. Click here to take action

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Nondiscrimination regs cover TPAs, dental and more

  Nondiscrimination regs cover TPAs, dental and more The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has completed nondiscrimination regulations that might have a major effect on insurers that sell public exchange plans but might not have much of an effect on others. The HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the HHS Office of the Secretary posted a 362-page preview version of the final regulations today. The official version of the final rule, which is based on a draft released in September, is set to appear Wednesday in the Federal Register. Read the story at Life & Health Pro

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2017 Inflation Adjusted Amounts for HSAs

The IRS released the inflation adjustments for health savings accounts (HSAs) and their accompanying high deductible health plans (HDHPs) effective for calendar year 2017.  Most limits remained the same as 2016 amounts. Click the link below to download the bulletin. 2017 Inflation Adjusted Amounts for HSAs

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Health Care Reform: 8 things the IRS wants small employers to know about the health care tax credit

  The Affordable Care Act’s small business health care tax credit is designed to encourage small employers to offer health insurance coverage to their employees. Click the link below to download the whitepaper 8 things the IRS wants small employers to know about this credit: 8 Things to Know About the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit For more information about the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager at (215)355-2121 or visit your ThinkHR library at and log in.     Watch a video below about the Small Business Healthcare Tax Credit

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How do Tiered Network plans like the Keystone HMO Proactive and Horizon Omnia plans work?

Tiered or Narrow Network Plans: Under the Affordable Care Act, insurance carriers have introduced “tiered network”, or narrowed network plans. Keystone Proactive HMO Plans from Independence Blue Cross  have a unique  ” 3 tiered” network of providers. Although each carrier has different types of networks and benefit levels, the plans have the same general concept, steering the members by giving them a choice of providers that offer medical services at a lower out of pocket expense. Choosing a more expensive provider or facility may cost the member more out of pocket costs. United Healthcare offers 2 tiers in their “Navigate” plans, and Aetna uses “Savings Plus” designated providers to split… Read More

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SHOP Rules Finalized, Enrollment Forms Simplified

The Small Business Health Options Program’s (SHOP) place along the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) timeline. It’s now being packaged for mass consumption and soon will be stocked on store shelves across all 50 states. Click here to read more…

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New York Health Exchanges Offer 50% Drop in Premiums

Empire State approves plans to be sold by 17 insurers and lower expected premiums may ease fears that next year’s implementation of the biggest parts of the Affordable Care Act would send prices soaring… Click here to read the story

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Health Reform: Research Filing Fees Due July 31

The Research Fee filing deadline is July 31, 2013 for self-funded medical plans and HRAs  Insurance carriers will report and pay the Fee for fully insured plans.  If an employer has several self-insured arrangements with the same plan year, they are subject to a single fee.  An HRA integrated with a self-funded plan providing major medical coverage will not incur a separate fee specific to the HRA if the HRA and plan are established or maintained by the same plan sponsor.  Click below to download the bulletin   Research Fees Due    Interested in our free Health Care Reform Checklist? send an email  

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Health Reform: Aetna to distribute MLR rebates

By August 1st, Aetna is scheduled to mail rebate notices and checks to policyholders and subscribers whose plans are due a rebate under the Minimum Medical Loss Ratio provision of the Affordable Care Act. For group plans, rebate checks will be sent to the policyholder, with few exceptions. Please click the link below to download the bulletin. Click to download

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NJDOBI Issues Amendments to Rating Rules under PPACA

NJDOBI Issues Amendments to IHC and SEH Rating Rules under PPACA For rates applicable to all rating periods beginning on or after January 1, 2014, carriers are directed to: Formulate rates in the IHC market to achieve a required 300 percent maximum ratio between premiums for the highest rated individual policyholder and the lowest rated individual policyholder in the State. Age factor categories should be in the following increments: children ages 0 through 20, one-year age bands for adults ages 21 through 63, and a single age band for adults ages 64 and over; Formulate rates in the SEH market without regard to gender. Age factor categories should be in… Read More

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Healtcare Reform Law

Health Insurance Marketplaces (Exchanges): Informational Video

Beginning in 2014, individuals and small businesses with up to 50 employees can purchase insurance through online exchanges, also called “health insurance marketplaces.” Each exchange will offer a choice of health plans that meet certain benefit and cost standards. In 2016, businesses with up to 100 employees will be able to participate. Coventry Health/Aetna recently released this easy to understand video that may help you understand the new exchange or” marketplace” system of buying health insurance. Click here to watch the six minute long video.

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Medicare: What Will Happen to Doctors’ Fees and Income Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?

Q:What Will Happen to Doctors’ Fees and Income Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? A: Business income has increased for doctors because many people on Medicare are now using free screenings and an annual “wellness visit” provided through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Through Oct. 6, 2011, the government said, 20.5 million people enrolled in Medicare had received the free screenings or the annual visit, which is also free. Medicare is now offering a 10 percent bonus payment on the fees charged for primary care services, and a 10 percent bonus payment to surgeons who work in areas where there are shortages of doctors. For 2013 and 2014, Medicaid payments… Read More

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Total Benefit Solutions Newest Brochure

  Download our latest brochure to read all about the valuable services we provide for our clients! Download our latest employee benefits brochure

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PPACA employer mandate delayed until 2015

PPACA employer mandate delayed until 2015 The Obama administration unexpectedly announced Tuesday it is delaying the employer mandate under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act until 2015. The mandate — which requires mid-sized and large employers to offer health insurance coverage to their workers — was one of the main requirements of the health care overhaul that was set to go into effect Jan. 1, 2014. But the Treasury Department announced Tuesday that it would delay its enforcement an entire year after hearing numerous concerns from employers about the challenges of its implementation. “We have heard concerns about the complexity of the requirements and the need for more time to implement… Read More

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IBC Requesting tobacco data

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and effective January 1, 2014, insurers are permitted to use the following four categories to determine premiums:   Age Family Size Geography Tobacco   To comply with this provision, IBC will be implementing a new process to collect tobacco usage as part of their rating methodology for groups with 2-50 employees and sole proprietors.   Over the next several days, IBC will send letters to employers with January 1, 2014 renewal dates to gather this information. In the mailing, there will be a letter and a Tobacco Use Form, that must be completed for each of their employees and dependents age 21 and over… Read More

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Heathcare Reform: Important New Guidance on Affordability

In order to receive a subsidy in the Health Insurance Marketplace (formerly referred to as the Exchange), generally an individual must not be eligible for affordable coverage under an eligible employer sponsored plan that provides minimum value. Additionally, large employers looking to avoid penalty exposure must offer all full-time employees (and their dependents) affordable coverage that meets minimum value. Although final regulations were published back in February, further clarification was needed on the health benefits considered in determining the share of benefit costs paid by a plan.  Click the link below to read the rest of the article.   Minimum Value and Affordability-060513R

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Healtcare Reform Law

Health Reform: Contraceptive Coverage and Non-Profit Organizations

Under the ACA, most health plans must cover women’s preventive services, including contraception, without charging a co-pay or deductible. The interim final rules provided that group health plans established or maintained by religious employers were exempt from these requirements. Guidance issued subsequent to the final rules established a temporary enforcement safe harbor for group health plans established or maintained by certain non-profit organizations that have religious objections to contraceptive coverage. The safe harbor is in effect until the first plan year that begins on or after August 1, 2013. Please click the link below to download and review the guidance. Health reform- contraceptive coverage and Non Profits

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Healtcare Reform Law

Health Reform: Exchange Notice Requirements

Open enrollment for health insurance coverage through the Exchange (now referred to as the Health Insurance Marketplace) begins October 1, 2013. The Affordable Care Act creates a new Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) section that requires employers to provide each employee at the time of hiring, as well as current employees, a written notice that includes information regarding the new Health Insurance Marketplace. Earlier materials referred to this notice as the “Exchange Notice,” however, it is now referred to as the “Notice of Coverage Options. Click the link below to download and view the notice. Health Reform-Exchange Notice

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89 charged in Medicare fraud busts in 8 cities

  WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly 100 people, including 14 doctors and nurses, were charged for their roles in separate Medicare scams that collectively billed the taxpayer-funded program for roughly $223 million in bogus charges in a massive bust spanning eight cities, federal authorities said Tuesday. Click here for the story.

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Healtcare Reform Law

New Guidance on SBC’s

Under health care reform, plan participants and beneficiaries must be provided a 4-page summary of benefits and coverage (“SBC”) and uniform glossary. This requirement is effective for open enrollment periods that begin on or after September 23, 2012. For participants and beneficiaries who enroll in group health plan coverage outside of open enrollment (e.g., newly eligible individuals and special enrollees), the SBC must be provided beginning on the first day of the first plan year that begins on or after September 23, 2012. This requirement is an ongoing one and, as open enrollment season approaches, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Treasury have issued updated guidance and… Read More

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IBC-Important update-changes to group plan selection requirements

We would like to share some important updates and reminders about the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC), under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including information about off-anniversary benefit changes, obtaining SBCs through our brochure and giveaway system (BAGS), and SBC postcards that are sent to members. Under the ACA both group health plans (customers) and health insurance issuers (health insurers) are required to provide the SBC to participants under certain circumstances. ACA 60-day notification requirement for off-anniversary benefit changes For customers who make off-anniversary material modifications (e.g., benefit changes) that affect the content of the SBC, participants in the customer’s group health plan must receive notification of the change… Read More

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