The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) clarified the tax treatment of several work-life referral (“WLR”) services offered by employers in a new Fact Sheet FAQ. According to the FAQ, the value of the WLR services may be deducted from employees’ salary as a de minimis fringe benefit in cases when they are included in employee assistance programs (“EAPs”) or are otherwise bundled with other services. WLR Programs WLR services are offered to qualified employees through the employer-funded WLR program. WLR services are informative and referral consultations that help staff members locate, engage, and bargain with life-management providers to find answers to personal, professional, or family problems. Generally speaking, unless a part… Read More
Continue ReadingUpdated Healthcare Reform Calculators
Total Benefit Solutions Inc. has updated our healthcare reform calculators on our website, Calculators include: How much tax credit is my small group eligible for? What are the conditions required to get the tax credit? Pay or Play Mandate penalty-What is my risk as a group? Individual Subsidy Calculator Click here to get to our healthcare reform calculators.
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