Health FSA Plan Document Section 125

Employees have the potential to save up to $1,280, while employers may realize savings of as much as $320. Health Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Plans are designated tax-exempt accounts that permit employees to access up to $3,300 in 2025 in pre-tax funds for out-of-pocket medical, dental, and vision expenses that are not covered by other insurance plans. What is a Health Flexible Spending Account (FSA)? A Health Flexible Spending Account enables employees to set aside pre-tax funds for medical expenses that are not covered by their insurance. These Health FSA plans can also be integrated with a Premium Only Plan (POP) and/or a Dependent Care FSA. The FSA acts as… Read More

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Section 125 POP (Premium Only Plan) With HSA Module

Section 125 Premium Only Plan can be pre-taxed HAS Savings Employers prefer High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) and offering their employees’ Health Savings Accounts (HSA). The problem is whether the HSA portion (saving component) qualifies as a pretax payroll deduction through the Section 125 Premium Only Plan. HSA savings component allows to be pre-taxed because a $30 HSA module for the $149 Section 125 Premium Only Plan was developed. Employers can obtain all necessary materials to set up an HSA Section 125 for a fee of $179.00 for the Basic PDF version sent via email, or $229 for the PDF version along with a Deluxe 1-inch Binder delivered by USPS. This… Read More

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Premium Only Plan Document (POP) Section 125

What is a Section 125 Premium Only Plan?The Revenue Act of 1978 introduce IRS Section 125, which allows employers to reduce payroll taxes by adjusting the payroll process. Also, Section 125 Premium Only Plan employees can choose from pre-tax or tax-free basis pay for their portion of premium insurance rather than after-tax basis, which creates saving for both the employer and employee. How Employees Benefit from a Premium Only Plan.Section 125 premium deductions can save employees 20 or 40% of their pre-tax. The tax savings are on city, state, and federal income taxes, including Social Security and Medicare taxes on money used to pay for their portion of insurance premiums… Read More

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Notice For: Braven Health and Horizon NJ TotalCare (HMO D-SNIP)

For: Braven Health and Horizon NJ TotalCare (HMO D-SNIP) Hackensack Meridian Health Remains In-Network for Braven Health and Horizon DSNP MembersAs of June 1, 2025, Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH) terminated their hospital from Horizon Hospital Network unless Horizon agrees to increase prices for services and cares at their facilities. This change does not impact Braven Health or Horizon NJ TotalCare (HMO D-SNP). Braven Health and Horizon TotalCare (HMO D-SNP) members can continue using HMH providers and hospitals. Why is this not impacting Braven Health and DSNP and will it soon?Only certain Horizon members are affected by the change in hospital network status. Braven Health and Horizon TotalCare (HMO D-SNP) members… Read More

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State Health Coverage Calendar 2024 Reporting Requirements

District of Columbia, California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont already released the individual health mandates requirements. Supply the information. The Paperwork Burden Reduction Act upon request for federal forms 1095-C or (1095-B) the employers are allowed to make when: Both federal and state regulations that is applicable should be met. As of this article’s publication federal relief has not implemented in District of Columbia, California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Like previous years Forms 1095-C (or 1095-B) should be prepared by employers. Have Questions? and want to read more about the changes click State Health Coverage Reporting Requirements for Calendar Year 2024 for more details. We are dedicated… Read More

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Individual Coverage HRA: Choice and affordability

QSE-HRA or Qualified Small Employer HRA Companies with fewer than 50 employees are qualified for $199 small employer HRA plan document a group health insurance alternative. What is QSE-HRA? To establish a QSE-HRA for qualified groups with less than 50 employees offering no group health plan the plan documents are available for $199 in Basic PDF email version. Qualified Small Employers can offer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) if they do not offer a group health plan, HRA uses tax-free dollars to reimburse employees who individual health plans. Employers cannot offer another group health plan to qualify QSE-HRA, which includes any other HRA, Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), Limited Health… Read More

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Wrap SPD Plan Document for Group Health Insurance

Wrap SPD Plan use a Wrap SPD for Your Group Health Plan to Avoid the $110 Per Day Fine Under the Affordable Care Act A Wrap SPD document must be sent within 120 days of the Plan’s effective date if you provide group health insurance, as mandated by the Affordable Care Act and the Department of Labor’s enforcement of the ERISA legislation. $149 one-time charge sent by email in PDF format$50 Optional Deluxe Binder mailed by USPS$30 Optional Supplemental Insurance Rider Wrap Summary Plan Description (SPD) and Why Do I Need One? The following is a concise summary of the Wrap SPD document requirements set out by ERISA and the… Read More

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Changes for Prescription Drug Coverage

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SJRA and Larchmont Facilities returns to Horizon’s Network

South Jersey Radiology Associates (SJRA) which includes Larchmont Medical Imaging has made an agreement with Horizon BCBSNJ. On January 1, 2025, they will return to the network. *SJRA services are regarded as out of network if they are provided between April 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024. There will be no retroactive processing of claims. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service, so please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated Total Benefit Solutions health insurance specialists at (215)-355-2121 or fill out the contact form below. We are available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.

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Independence – Update regarding ID Cards for January 1st IBX Customers

The IBX Team has provided us the following update regarding ID Cards for January 1st Customers. Due to the large volume of cards being processed and mailed for January, members may not receive their physical ID cards before January 1. To ensure uninterrupted access to care for members with ID cards processing in the second half of December, letters are being mailed to plan subscribers containing their new member ID numbers and ID numbers for all covered dependents. The sample letter is attached, and it’s important to note these members can access their ID cards on the portal until they receive the physical card. We’re just trying to be proactive… Read More

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Changes for Prescription Drug Coverage

We are dedicated to providing exceptional service, so please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated Total Benefit Solutions health insurance specialists at (215)-355-2121 or fill out the contact form below. We are available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.

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FAQ 68 Addresses Preventive Care and Mastectomy Coverage

Coverage of PrEP Certain preventive care services must be offered by health insurance companies and non-grandfathered group health plans without any cost-sharing obligations under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and other agencies and advisory groups recommendations form the basis of the list of preventive care services. If a preventive care service or item requirement omits information on the frequency, manner, treatment, or setting to administer the preventive care service, plans and carriers are permitted to employ reasonable medical management practices. Coding and Claims Management Plans and carriers are also reminded by FAQ 68 of the significance of correctly coding claims for preventive… Read More

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New Jersey Releases 2025 Disability and Family Leave Amounts

New Jersey has announced the 2025 contribution rates and benefit level parameters for the Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) and Family Leave Insurance (FLI) programs. Temporary Disability Insurance 2025 For qualified New Jersey workers who are unable to work due to a non-work-related illness, injury, or other disability, or for specific public health emergencies, TDI offers benefits. Employees must have worked 20 weeks and earned at least $303 per week (Base Week Amount) or earned $15,200 (Alternative Earnings Test) in the four quarters (base year) before taking vacation to be eligible for TDI. 85% of an employee’s average weekly pay, up to a maximum of $1,081, is the weekly TDI benefit… Read More

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ACA Compliance for Forms 1094-C + 1095-C

In terms of ACA reporting of minimum essential coverage (MEC), you are probably an Applicable Large Employer (ALE) if you had an average of fifty (50) full-time equivalent employees in the previous calendar year or if you are an employer of any size that provides a level funded or self-insured plan. The deadlines are: Employees must submit their 1095-C forms by March 3, 2025, at the latest. IRS-required copies of 1094-C and 1095-C forms are due by March 31, 2025, if filing online, or February 28 if filing on paper. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service, so please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated Total Benefit Solutions health… Read More

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Binder Payment Deadline for January 1 Effective Dates

New members with a plan must make their first payment by December 31, 2024, and their plan would be effective on January 1, 2025. The payment is a must to activate their coverage and begin using their benefits. To maintain their coverage, members from Florida and Indiana who are registered in a 2024 Bronze| Silver| Gold (Core) network plan and are subsequently enrolled in a 2025 Premier network plan must make a binder payment by December 31, 2024. Auto Pay is worry free and saves time. To ensure they always make their payment on time, members can set up a monthly recurring payment. Members can register via the Ambetter App… Read More

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Deadline for Small Employer Open Enrollment is approaching

We would like to remind you about the Small Employer Open Enrollment Period for fully insured health plans in every state, even though this has been in effect for years. Each year the period for Small Employer Open Enrollment Period is from November 15 to December 15. Employers who fit the carrier’s definition of a small employer but do not fulfill the participation or contribution requirements will be eligible to enroll in a small employer plan with an effective date of January 1. Employer groups participating during the Small Employer Open Enrollment Period must submit completed applications to carriers after November 15th and by noon December 15th. We are dedicated… Read More

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Gag Clause Prohibition Attestation Under the Consolidated Appropriation Act 

Under the Consolidate Appropriations Act (CAA), health plans are prohibited from signing contracts that limit the precise data and information they can provide to third parties. Every year, plans are required to provide an attestation confirming that they have not entered any prohibited contractual restrictions. According to Excellus BlueCross BlueShield (Excellus BCBS) we will be completing the attestation on behalf of our fully insured and minimal premium groups for the duration they had with Excellus BCBS coverage in 2024. Please inform these groups that we will be finishing the attestation on their behalf by the deadline of December 31, 2024, if you hear any questions from them regarding gag clause… Read More

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In 2025, would you like more?

HSA funds are carried over each year.  Why not increase your savings? Additionally, if you contribute to your HAS before the year ends, you can lower your income that is subject to taxes. For self-only coverage, the maximum contribution in 2024 is $4,150, and for family coverage, it is $8,300. Moreover, if you are at least 55, you will receive an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution. Employer contributions, direct transfers, and payroll deductions are all included in the annual cap. We’re sure you are as excited about this as we are!  Please reach out if you have any questions. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service, so please do not hesitate… Read More

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Guide to more savings and benefits & Letters to MA customers

Guide to more savings and benefits The discounts for the Medicare supplements insurance provides savings that can be used by customers to reinvest in additional coverage. The discount is up to 20% with combined household discounts which are, discount for more than one member of the household holds a policy is 14% and discount when a customer lives with one or more people is 6%. The supplemental benefits are fit for client’s needs in cancer treatment, choice accident, dental, vision, hearing, hospital indemnity, lump sum cancer, lump sum heart attack, and stroke. Letters mailed to Medicare Advantage customers There are different versions of Benefits at a Glance (BAAG), letters regarding… Read More

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We are excited to announce that as of 12/1/2024,  Wellspan Health will continue to be a partner in care for UnitedHealthcare’s DSNP and ISNP members. We have also expanded the DSNP network to include ALL Wellspan Providers. We’re sure you are as excited about this as we are!  Please reach out if you have any questions. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service, so please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated Total Benefit Solutions health insurance specialists at (215)-355-2121 or fill out the contact form below. We are available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.

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Required Attestation regarding the Gag Clause by December 31, 2024

By December 31st of each year, insurance companies and plans sponsor of group health plans are required to provide the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) with information certifying that their plan or policies do not include illegal gag provisions. The due date for the subsequent attestation is December 31, 2024. Clients are receiving notifications from carriers and TPAs regarding their plan to adhere to the Gag Clause Prohibition Compliance Attestation. Once more, it appears that the different carriers/TPAs will not handle the attestation requirements the same way. For fully insured plans both the plan and carrier must file attestation if the group health plan is fully insured; however,… Read More

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Communications from providers about temporary ID cards

Temporary member ID cards were mailed to members from large group with fully insured clients the transition of enhanced operation began in July. The cards contain the new member’s ID number. Our provider communications team has sent out messages to our contracted providers to let them know that these cards should be accepted. Which also includes instructions on how to process bills and how to confirm member’s eligibility when: In order to reinforce this message and give them more guidance, we redistribute this content the week of October 28 after it had previously been disseminated through our regular communication channels. Have Questions? and want to read more about the changes? Provider… Read More

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Cybersecurity Guidance Regarding Health and Welfare Benefits

In Compliance Assistance Release No. 2024-01, the U.S. Department of Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) affirmed that all ERISA covered health and welfare plans are subject to the cybersecurity guidance which was published in 2021. Regarding cybersecurity best practices on April 2021, EBSA issued a cybersecurity guidance for benefit plan fiduciaries and service providers. ERISA requires plan fiduciaries to take necessary safety measures to reduce cybersecurity risk, EBSA’s three types of guidance are directed at benefit plan sponsors, fiduciaries, record keepers, and participants. With the new guidelines EBSA clarifies that cybersecurity guidance applies to ERISA covered health and welfare plans. EBSA clarifies that ERISA plan sponsors and fiduciaries, as well… Read More

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Departments Issue Final MHPAEA Regulations

The final rules for the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity of 2008 (MHPAEA) were released on September 9, 2024, by the Department of Health and Human Services, Labor, and the Treasury in order to guarantee that those seeking treatment for mental health (MH) or substance use disorder (SUD). MHPAEA provides nonquantitative treatment limitations (NQTLs) cannot be applied to MH/SUD unless they are equivalent and applied no more strictly for MH/SUD benefits than for medical/surgical benefits. The final rules amend the definitions of definition of “medical/surgical”, “mental health benefits”, and “substance use disorder benefits” by removing a reference to the state guidelines. The most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical… Read More

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