Total Benefit Solutions: New Starmark Self Insured Plans for Small Groups

Total Benefit Solutions is proud to announce that we are now appointed with Starmark to provide affordable and predictable self insured medical plans to small businesses. Starmark® administers self-funded health benefit plans exclusively for smaller businesses nationwide. Employers choose from extensive plan design choices to create a self-funded health plan to meet their unique needs and budget, while stop-loss insurance from Trustmark Life Insurance Company provides protection against large covered claims. Click Here To View A Client Testimonial Click here for more information and to watch a short video about these products and how your organization might benefit from a self insured plan.

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Now Available: Health Advocate Member Advocacy

Total Benefit Solutions clients can now take advantage of enrolling on Health Advocate as a group or as an individual/ family! It’s part of our Benefit Aid packages and it’s so easy you can enroll today by clicking here or ask your Total Benefit Solutions account manager at (215)355-2121 for more information. This video will tell you all about the benefits of Health Advocate!  

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2017 Inflation Adjusted Amounts for HSAs

The IRS released the inflation adjustments for health savings accounts (HSAs) and their accompanying high deductible health plans (HDHPs) effective for calendar year 2017.  Most limits remained the same as 2016 amounts. Click the link below to download the bulletin. 2017 Inflation Adjusted Amounts for HSAs

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Health Care Reform: 8 things the IRS wants small employers to know about the health care tax credit

  The Affordable Care Act’s small business health care tax credit is designed to encourage small employers to offer health insurance coverage to their employees. Click the link below to download the whitepaper 8 things the IRS wants small employers to know about this credit: 8 Things to Know About the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit For more information about the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit contact your Total Benefit Solutions, Inc account manager at (215)355-2121 or visit your ThinkHR library at and log in.     Watch a video below about the Small Business Healthcare Tax Credit

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How do Tiered Network plans like the Keystone HMO Proactive and Horizon Omnia plans work?

Tiered or Narrow Network Plans: Under the Affordable Care Act, insurance carriers have introduced “tiered network”, or narrowed network plans. Keystone Proactive HMO Plans from Independence Blue Cross  have a unique  ” 3 tiered” network of providers. Although each carrier has different types of networks and benefit levels, the plans have the same general concept, steering the members by giving them a choice of providers that offer medical services at a lower out of pocket expense. Choosing a more expensive provider or facility may cost the member more out of pocket costs. United Healthcare offers 2 tiers in their “Navigate” plans, and Aetna uses “Savings Plus” designated providers to split… Read More

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