Modifying the “Use-It-Or-Lose-It” Rule for Health FSAs

The Treasury and IRS released guidance modifying the use-it-or-lose-it rule. Effective with the 2013 plan year, plan sponsors, at their option, may now allow employees to carryover up to $500 of unused FSA funds to the next plan year. Please click the link below to download the updated bulletin. FSA _Use it or Lose it_ – 110613R

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How do I apply for an exemption under healthcare reform?

Starting in 2014, most people must have health coverage or pay a fee (the “individual shared responsibility payment”). If you think you qualify you will want to know how to apply for an exemption. Click the link below to learn how to apply for exemptions: The Shared ResponsibilityHow to apply for an exemption

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The Healthcare Reform GPS

  Like many small to mid size employers with a fully insured or self insured plan, you probably have questions about the changes due to the Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act (PPACA). Use this GPS for help in finding the answers you need about healthcare reform. Provided by Starmark plans and Trustmark Life Insurance. Click here to visit the Healthcare Reform GPS 

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The Shared Responsibility Payment- What are Exemptions?

Starting in 2014, most people must have health coverage or pay a fee (the “individual shared responsibility payment”). You can get an exemption in certain cases. Exemptions from the payment Under certain circumstances, you won’t have to make the individual responsibility payment. This is called an “exemption.” Click the link below to learn more about exemptions from the payment. The Shared Responsibility Payment-Exemptions

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Change to FSA “Use It or Lose It” Provision

Yesterday, the Department of Treasury announced a major policy change that will impact Flexible Spending Account (FSA) plans. In what is being hailed as a hugely positive development for administrators, employers, and FSA participants, the Treasury has modified the “use it or lose it” provision to allow for a limited rollover of FSA funds. Details are as follows: Effective for the 2014 plan year, employers will have the option to allow FSA plan participants to roll over up to $500 of unused funds at the end of the plan year. Effective immediately, employers with an FSA plan that does not include a grace period will have the option to allow… Read More

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What is the shared responsibility payment under health care reform?

Starting in 2014, most people must have health coverage or pay a fee (the “individual shared responsibility payment”). You can get an exemption in certain cases. The individual shared responsibility payment If you can afford health insurance but choose not to buy it, you must pay a fee known as the individual shared responsibility payment. Click the link below to learn more… What is the shared responsibility payment?

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Learn about Medicare Medical Savings Accounts

  Medical Savings Account Plans: MSA Plans combine a high-deductible Medicare Advantage Plan and a trust or custodial savings account (as defined and/or approved by the IRS). The plan deposits money from Medicare into the account. You can use this money to pay for your health care costs, but only Medicare-covered expenses count toward your deductible. The amount deposited is usually less than your deductible amount, so you generally have to pay out-of-pocket before your coverage begins. Medicare MSA Plans don’t cover prescription drugs. If you join a Medicare MSA Plan, you can also join any separate Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. There are additional restrictions to join an MSA plan,… Read More

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Consumer Reports: Stay away from for at least another month

Despite President Obama’s assurance that the troubled website is currently undergoing fixes, Consumer Reports is suggesting people “stay away” from the federal online marketplace for another month. Click the link below to read the story:

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2013 Compliance Bulletin Collection

Just in case you thought you missed something, we have compiled this collection  featuring of our compliance bulletins from January to October 2013. This is meant as a resource for you, our client to have all of this information in one place.  Click here for more information or to download the document.

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An important note about the problems

As most of us are aware, there are many problems with the website. Today President Obama addressed the concerns and issues. The president suggested a work around for the website issues by calling the 800 number. Click here to read the story on cnn.  At least until the bugs can be worked out. However it is important to point out that anyone who calls the 800 number can not use the free and important services of their independent insurance broker. Brokers are exempt from helping people who enroll over the phone.  So if you are going to call the number be prepared to go through the process without help or… Read More

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How Does The Individual Mandate Work?

  Beginning January 1, 2014, taxpayers (with certain limited exemptions) will be assessed a tax for any months during which they or their dependents lack minimum essential coverage. An individual has three choices: (1) qualify for an exemption, (2) get minimum essential coverage (with or without government assistance if under the Exchange), or (3) pay the individual mandate. Click here for the full story  

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Reports Of Troubles Surrounding Piling Up.

Reports Of Troubles Surrounding Piling Up. This Report from Reports continue to pile up of growing troubles surrounding, the Federally-run insurance marketplace set up under the Affordable Care Act which opened for enrollment October 1. Whether technical, financial, or political, the issues will likely be brought to the forefront as the budget negotiations fade from view. Thursday night, NBC Nightly News reported, “Had it not been for the government shutdown becoming our lead story for these past 16 days and nights, it may well have been Obamacare and the incredibly rocky rollout for the Federal government’s healthcare website.” The report continued, “Some Republicans are saying the Secretary… Read More

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Medical Savings Accounts for Medicare Members

Questions about Medicare medical savings accounts, or Medicare MSA’s? Click here to learn more about: Geisinger Gold MSA Click here for Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs about MSAs Want more information? Have more questions? Is a Medicare MSA plan the right fit for you? Call us today at (215)355-2121 to find out more!

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Important Information about Registering for the Marketplace

We are pleased to help our clients get enrolled and compare plans on the new health insurance marketplace. However please follow the instructions below so that we can assist you. Please note that we will not have access to your record to work with you if you do not complete the registration properly. The agent/broker should work with the consumer to make sure that the consumer enters the agent’s/broker’s identifying information, including National Producer Number (NPN), so that the FFM can associate the transaction with the agent/broker so that an issuer may facilitate compensation. Log in at and register… When the consumer is logged in to the page,… Read More

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Health insurance exchanges open, users can’t get in

Health insurance exchanges open, users can’t get in Read more at

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An Era ends in the health insurance world

At the end of the day today, health insurance as we have known it will begin it’s final lap. When  the clock turns to 12:01 AM tomorrow, October 1st 2013 a new era begins. With effective dates of January 1st 2014, the new healthcare marketplaces will open online for consumers, and on paper for small businesses. Available will be plans from multiple insurers in each state, with more to come in the future. The most important differences will be that all plans will cover pre-existing conditions. No applicants will be turned away because of their current health conditions, or ones in the past. New rating methodologies will change which will… Read More

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Health care is changing, but you can still count on Delta Dental’s Small Business Program

From: Delta Dental….   Health care is changing, but you can still count on Delta Dental’s Small Business Program. At Delta Dental, we’ve always been dedicated to providing the very best dental coverage to small businesses, at affordable prices. And, that hasn’t changed, even with health care reform and the Affordable Care Act. In fact, there is no need to disrupt your clients’ dental benefits. Plus, we’ll continue to partner with general agents and brokers like you, with no change in commissions or administration services. Our Small Business Program still offers A wide variety of plan options with benefit flexibility A range of prices and rate stability with group purchasing power… Read More

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Another ACA delay announced today!

We wanted to keep you informed of the recent announcement today from the Department of Health and Human Services that they are going to delay online enrollment for the Federally Facilitated SHOP Marketplace until at least November 1, 2013. Additionally, the Spanish Language version of will not be fully up and running until at least the end of October. The SHOP Marketplace will only be able to accept paper applications on October 1st. The SHOP will have a list of carriers participating, plan and rate summaries available for review, but the full functionality of the online comparisons, will not be available until at least November 1st. We will continue to keep… Read More

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Medicare and You 2014 now available

The Medicare and You guide for 2014 is now available. This official government booklet tells you: Summary of Medicare benefits, coverage decisions, rights and protections, and answers to the most frequently asked questions about Medicare. Click here to download your copy. Click here to order a printed version to be mailed to you Have questions about your Medicare coverage or Medicare supplements? Call us today at 215-355-2121              

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Pa. exchange to offer among lowest-cost premiums

MARC LEVY, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS POSTED: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 12:47 PM HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) – Pennsylvania residents who buy health insurance in the federally run online marketplace that opens next week will pay below the national average, and the state ranks 10th-lowest out of 47 for which data were available, according to figures released by the Obama administration Wednesday Read more at   click here to read the story

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New Jersey exchange rates among most expensive

BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS September 25, 2013 • Reprints TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — A report out Wednesday from the federal government finds that health insurance prices on New Jersey’s exchange will be among the most expensive in the country for those without subsidies. The report from the federal Department of Health and Human Services comes less than a week before the launch of the state health exchanges that are a key element of President Barack Obama’s health insurance overhaul. The idea is that the exchange offers otherwise uninsured people a way to get their own insurance, in many cases with a federal subsidies. Residents will be able to sign up for coverage… Read More

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Introducing Aetna’s “Our Healthy”

Aetna is collaborating with plan sponsors, providers and producers to help rebuild the health care system Via Aetna: Earlier this year, on TV, online and in print, we started asking a simple question: What’s your healthy?SM Our Healthy is a call-to-action to transform the healthcare system in ways that favor patients over process, innovation over bureaucracy, and convenience and quality over complexity and chaos.   Click here for more information about “our healthy”  

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Total Benefit Solutions to offer Health Partners Plans

Total Benefit Solutions is proud to announce that we have teamed up with Health Partners Plans for the upcoming 2014 Medicare Open Enrollment. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements regarding the plans, choices and benefits. We are excited about this opportunity to add another quality plan choice to further our commitment to our clients in the Medicare population. .

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Get health insurance for your employees from the SHOP

Get health insurance for your employees The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) is a new way to buy high-quality health insurance for your employees. It opens for business October 1, 2013. Get ready now by answering a few quick questions to learn what you need to know. Remember, your independent brokers at Total Benefit Solutions can guide you through the process and help you make the best decision for your company AND your employees!

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Same-Sex Spouses: Updated FMLA and Tax Guidance

In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as unconstitutional. This opened the door for federal recognition of same-sex marriages in states that recognize such unions. The Obama administration has pledged a thorough and expedited review of federal laws, including federal benefit laws. We expect the agencies to release guidance soon with regard to various health and welfare compliance requirements associated with the tax guidance, potentially including, but not limited to, COBRA qualified beneficiary determinations, Form W-2 reporting changes, plan document, SPD and cafeteria plan document amendments, open enrollment and new hire packet language changes, etc. Click here to download… Read More

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