Health Reform: SHOP Marketplace Changes for 2015
In 2014, small businesses that offer coverage through an FF-SHOP Marketplace are able to offer their employees a single qualified health plan (QHP). In 2015, small businesses that offer coverage through an FF-SHOP Marketplace may be able to offer their employees a choice of QHPs and qualified dental plans (QDPs).
To qualify for an FF-SHOP, a business must:
- Be located in an FF-SHOP’s service area (generally a state)
- Have at least one eligible common-law employee on payroll
- Have 50 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees on payroll
- This methodology includes part-time employees, but not seasonal employees (those working fewer than 120 days per year)
- While the FF-SHOP must determine eligibility using the definitions above, State-based SHOP Marketplaces have flexibility in their counting approaches in 2014 and 2015
- Offer coverage to all full-time employees (those working an average of 30 or more hours per week)
Have question about your small business eligibility for the SHOP Marketplace? Contact your Total Benefit Solutions Affordable Care Act experts at (215)355-2121 or toll free (800)924-6718.
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