There are many changes for small business groups for 2014. These changes affect sole proprietor plans, licensed professionals and small groups. Please take a moment to review this Q&A and let us know if you have any questions.
Q. What is an Open Enrollment Period?
A. An Open Enrollment is the time during which you are permitted to make changes to your benefit plan.
Q. How will the 2014 Open Enrollment Process Work?
A. IBC will be sending you, via regular mail, your, 2014 Renewal Package. Total Benefit Solutions will also follow up with another copy via fax or email. The package will include the 2013 rates for your current plan(s) as well as rates for the plan that IBC will be transitioning you into in, 2014. It will also include two alternative plan options.
Q. Can I keep my current plan(s) as is?
A. Due to Health Care Reform, groups with fewer than 51 employees will no longer be able to renew with their current benefit plan. IBC has introduced a new suite of Blue Solutions® products—redesigned to comply with the recent changes required by the Health Care Reform Law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA). While all of the benefit options are comparable to your current benefit plan, they are now streamlined into the four “metallic levels” of coverage outlined by the ACA—which will make it easier for you to choose your coverage.
Q. Where can I find benefit summaries for Blue Solutions® products?
A. Just ask your Total Benefit Solutions account manager or click here to log on to the IBC website and download a benefit summary
Q. Can prescription coverage be removed from the Blue Solutions plans?
A. No. All Blue Solutions plans include coverage for prescription RX as well as pediatric vision and pediatric dental for dependents up to age 19.
Q. Why does the rating on my 2014 renewal look different than in previous years?
A. In order to conform to the new health care law provisions, IBC is adjusting their rating methodology to include: age, tobacco use, geographic area, and family size. These factors are applied to each employee and covered dependent. Each employee as well as all dependents over the age of 20 will receive their own rate. The oldest three dependents 20 years and younger will also receive their own rates. The sum of these individual rates constitutes the total premium for the employee. Because of this new rating policy, an employee’s rates may change throughout the plan year with the addition or removal of a dependent.
Q. What plans are offered to sole proprietors?
A. Sole proprietors are eligible to enroll in any of the products shown in the new product portfolio, or an Individual health insurance plan.
Q. What do I need to do if I want to submit benefit changes in 2014?
A. On your “2014 Benefit Change Form.” Select the desired plan(s), complete all requested sections, sign and submit. All 2014 changes must be submitted to Total Benefit solutions by mo later than 20 days before the renewal date..
IMPORTANT: All customers with one enrolled subscriber (Licensed Professionals or Sole Proprietors) electing to make any benefit changes, must re-qualify by submitting proof of business.
IMPORTANT: All 2 employee group customers where both employees are related, such as a husband and wife as the two employees, will not be renewed and must enroll as a sole proprietor or in an individual plan. Your Total Benefit Solutions advisor can assist you in making the transition if required.
Q. Can I downgrade my benefits off anniversary?
A. No, IBC is not allowing any changes throughout the year. Upgrades and downgrades to Blue Solutions products will only be allowed on the anniversary date of your plan. This means you will only be able to make a benefit change effective January 1st.
Q. Where can I find participating doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and ancillary providers?
A. Click, on “IBC Provider Directory.” IMPORTANT: All plans listed under the Bronze metallic tier include a $10 mandatory generic drug program and will utilize the FutureScripts Preferred Pharmacy network which excludes Rite-Aid and Walgreens.
Q. What if I need assistance?
A. If you have any questions regarding your renewal, please contact Total Benefit Solutions Renewal Team at 800-924-6718 .