We are pleased to announce that Cleveland Clinic will stay part of our Medicare Advantage (MA) network in Florida and Ohio after successful negotiations! This covers all specialists, ancillary providers, hospitals, and primary care physicians (PCPs). Once a contractual agreement is achieved, Cleveland Clinic services will continue to be accessible without interruption.
Customers will receive letters in the upcoming weeks letting them know that Cleveland Clinic is still in network and that they don’t need to take any action right now. The PCP assignments at Cleveland Clinic are all still the same.
Have any questions? call us at (215) 355-2121 or click Cigna healthcare provider directory to view the most up-to-date provider listing in your market.
We are dedicated to providing exceptional service, so please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated Total Benefit Solutions health insurance specialists at (215)-355-2121 or fill out the contact form below. We are available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.