The Department of Health and Human Services has announced the Federal Poverty Line (“FPL”) amounts, as indexed for 2014. Why is this Important?
Beginning in 2015, large employers may be subject to the employer penalty under the Affordable Care Act if they do not offer affordable, minimum value coverage to all full-time
employees and at least one full-time employee receives a subsidy in the Exchange. The FPL is relevant to the affordability of the coverage, as well as the eligibility for a subsidy.
Click the link below to download this important bulletin
Remember: Your independent broker at Total Benefit Solutions, Inc. can help you compare, choose and enroll in a plan on the Federally Facilitated Exchange, healthcare.gov while also helping you maximize your benefits and secure your subsidy at no additional cost to you. Total Benefit Solutions Inc is truly your health care reform advocate!
Important for business owners to know.