Medicare Client Forms

Our Medicare beneficiary clients feel secure in knowing that working with us means they get an impartial yet comprehensive annual review with seasoned, experienced professionals!
Click Here to Download and Print Medicare Scope Of Appointment Form. The Scope of Appointment form is required by CMS. Your Total Benefits Representative will ask you to return the form via our secure fax or e-mail. in order to assist you properly. You may download and print the form, or complete it online.
Click here to complete the Electronic Scope of Appointment. Completing this form give us permission to contact you and start the process of evaluating your health plan needs and shop the marketplace for you.
Needs Assessment Survey This form can be completed before your meeting. It can be faxed back along with the scope of appointment if you want. The form will help you determine what your needs are when planning for the upcoming year.
Looking for Healthcare Reform related forms? Click here.
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